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Juvia threw her body at her bedroom door, tumbling inside the dark room clumsily. Juvia choked on a sob and tears blurred her vision as she tried to find her bed.

She stumbled around before her knees gave out and she collapsed down onto her carpet, her back hitting the wall behind her with a loud thud.
Juvia's head began pounding, her heart aching as she struggled to breath through her tears.

Juvia looked to her left and saw the outline of her bed. A sob shook through Juvia's body as she crawled towards her bed, clawing at the blankets as she tried to lift herself up.

Juvia's legs felt weak and the buzzing in her ears wouldn't stop, snapshots of Gray-sama flashing through Juvia's memory.

His eyes, his smile, his everything.

Juvia could hear Gray-sama's voice in her ears, whispering sweet words to Juvia as he held her after Juvia had a nightmare.
Juvia could feel the tight grip of Gray-sama's cold hands on her hips and the pressure of his soft lips on her forehead.

Juvia choked out another distorted, ugly sob as she finally found her way onto her bed. Juvia practically jumped for her spot in the corner, grabbing her fluffy pink blanket and draping it over her head as she began shaking.

Juvia felt her phone buzzing rapidly in her back pocket, probably all texts from her friends asking if Juvia was ok.
Juvia leaned her head against the wall as she cried. Guilt was pounding against Juvia's ribcage for letting her friends worry, but Juvia didn't have the strength to lie anymore.

After Juvia saw Gray-sama with Briar-san, Juvia told her friends she didn't feel well. They had tried to get Juvia to stay, they even had Sting-sama to try and block Juvia's escape, but in the end they let her go.

The pain in Juvia's chest clawed at her from the inside out, screaming to break free from its cage behind Juvia's ribs.

Juvia's eyes instinctively snapped to her bedside table where a small blue notebook sat. The sight that once brought Juvia so much happiness now caused anxiety to fill her chest and Juvia whimpered.

Juvia tried to bite back another one of her loud sobs, but only succeeded in making herself shake even more.

'No, Juvia must not look at the notebook. It'll only make her feel worse about the lies Gray-sama told her.' Juvia thought, but Juvia couldn't stop herself from reaching her hand out to the little notebook.

Despite her mind's protests, Juvia picked up the blue notebook and opened it to the first page, a tear drop falling onto the paper.

Juvia swallowed the lump in her throat and began to read.


~~~~~~~~~~3 months ago~~~~~~~~~
Juvia groaned softly as she felt the warm morning sun against her bare skin. Juvia's eye's instinctively fluttered open, and Juvia was met with the sight of a tan arm in front of her face.

Juvia trailed her eyes up the arm and to the face of her one and only Gray-sama, who was smiling softly and sitting up against Juvia's headboard.

Juvia saw that Gray-sama was staring down at something in his hands, and Juvia looked to see Gray-sama writing in Juvia's small blue desk side notebook.

Juvia narrowed her eyes and lifted her head up from her pillow, staring at Gray-sama's face.
"Gray-sama?" Juvia asked, blinking up at Gray-sama.

Gray-sama seemed taken aback by Juvia's sudden voice. He blinked himself out of his focus and turned his head to look down at Juvia.
Juvia blushed as she saw how pretty the morning light looked on Gray-sama's face; and the strong, passionate gaze Gray-sama was giving Juvia made her fall even more in love with him.

"Hey." Gray-sama replied softly, smiling down at Juvia.

Juvia pushed herself up and sat up against her headboard, scooting over to be close to Gray-sama.
"What is Gray-sama doing?" Juvia asked, turning her attention down to her notebook.

Next to her, Juvia felt the rumble of Gray-sama's chest as he let out a chuckle.
"I'm going to start keeping a journal for you. Everyday I'm going to write something new to remind you just how much you mean to me." Gray-sama explained.

Juvia's eye's went wide as Gray-sama spoke, and Juvia turned her head to look up at Gray-sama quickly. Tears were springing to the corners of Juvia's eyes.
"Gray-sama would really do that for Juvia?" Juvia whispered, her voice wavering as Juvia's vision got blurrier.

Gray-sama let out an amused hum, leaning down and placing his forehead against Juvia's. Gray-sama brought one of his hands up and cupped Juvia's cheek, rubbing his thumb lightly over her skin.

"I'd do anything for you Juvia."


Gray slammed the driver side door of his shitty old sedan, not even bothering to lock it as he made a B-line for his front door.

Within a minute, Gray was inside his house and half way across the one story town house. His feet stomped against the creaky wooden floors in the kitchen as he made his way past.
His eyes were trained on the door with the peeling white paint that stood at the end of a short, narrow hallway.

Gray stormed into the little hallway and with two large steps his hand was twisting the dirty golden door knob. He pushed the old door open, slamming the door behind him.
Some dust flew up around him, but Gray just kept the same cold expression on his face as he tore his jacket off and threw it across the room.

Gray was breathing heavily as the adrenaline he was feeling began to wear off, however a glimpse of light caught his attention.

Gray snapped his head to face the light, and he found the source to be on his bedside table.
Next to his lamp, a small white picture frame reflected the light coming from the window across from it. The light being reflected off the frame created a dot on the wall behind him, and he narrowed his eyes at the picture.

The rush of anger returned, and he stormed over to his bedside table.
He grabbed the picture frame, and before he had time to think about it the frame was already laying on the carpet in front of him with broken glass scattered all over the floor.

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