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Juvia stared out of her large bedroom window, her body curled up against the wall. Her toes were cold as ice, despite the fuzzy blue wool socks that covered them.

Juvia sighed as she watched the sun begin to rise, her eyes beginning to ache from keeping them open for so long.
Juvia had pulled another all-nighter, just staring out her window and reminiscing about how happy she used to be with Gray-sama.

Juvia turned her eyes to her night table, looking at her blue moleskin.
"Juvia shouldn't." She thought, but grabbed the notebook anyway.

Juvia opened the notebook, flipping past a couple tear stained pages to her favorite poem Gray-sama ever wrote her.

Eyes as blue as the sea,
And skin as pale as snow.
I really hope you know that you're really beautiful.
You make me believe,
That I can truly be happy.
You melted my ice,
You broke down my walls,
And now all I feel is an aching love.
A love so true it's hurts my soul.
I never believed I could be this happy,
Until I met you.

Juvia smiled, her heart aching with pain.
"Gray-sama is a liar." Juvia choked quietly, re-reading the poem over and over again.

"Gray-sama is a liar." Juvia spoke a little louder, her pain being replaced by anger.

A tear hit the soft white paper, staining yet another page. Juvia felt her body being filled with uncontrollable rage and she frowned, slamming her notebook shut and throwing it across her room.

"Gray-sama is a LIAR! A big fat liar!" Juvia shouted to her empty room, curling up closer to herself and the wall, wiping her angry tears and staring back out the window, looking at the bright blue sky.

"And Juvia is an idiot for believing him."

Melted Ice & Frozen Water(Gruvia)Where stories live. Discover now