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Natsu swiped his grease covered hand over his forehead, wiping away the sweat on his brow.
The day was cold, but even with the garage door open Natsu couldn't escape the hot air and gas his motorcycle produced.

He had been working on fixing this beautiful bike since the summer of last year, and much to his excitement he was almost done.
The little number of a Harley motorcycle was shiny and red, the words 'Celestial Lightning' written on the side in cursive letters.

Natsu let out a sigh, wiggling out from under the motorcycle to switch out his tools.
He frowned, annoyed as he searched for the right wrench in his mess of a toolbox.

Natsu had gotten used to the feeling of having someone, specificly his angel Lucy, with him, handing him his tools and telling him stories of the stars. She would sit right next to his toolbox, organizing his tools in the order he'd need them and hand them to him when he did end up needing them.

The image of her smile entered his mind, and Natsu couldn't help but smile as her angelic laugh rang through his ears.
He truly missed having Lucy around, just the two of them.

But now that dream was over. Natsu's smile fell as the realization set in. He'd probably never share a moment like that with her again.
She didn't trust him, not like she used to.

After all, he had encouraged Gray in his mission of breaking Lucy's best friends heart.
She wouldn't answer his texts or calls, and she all but ignored his advances in school.

Part of Natsu blamed Gray, if that popsicle would've just admitted his feelings Natsu could still be by Lucy's side.
But the other part of him knew he was the reason Lucy didn't want to be around him. He'd gone along with Gray and Jellal's stupid plan, and lied to her in the process.

But damn if he didn't miss her.

Natsu's chest felt tight, but he ignored it and crawled back under his motorcycle, the heat making him feel light headed again.


"Yo, flamebrain, want to go to the mall?"
Natsu flinched at the sudden noise, wiggling out from his position under his Harley to look up at his open garage door.

Natsu narrowed his eyes at the figure of Gray in front of him, raising an eyebrow.
"Can't you see I'm doing something Elsa?" Natsu snapped back.

This sudden outburst made Gray lift his own eyebrow, looking at Natsu with an icy glare.
"Fine then, jeez."

Gray began to walk away when a light bulb went off in Natsu's head.
'Lucy works at the mall!'

"Wait! Popsicle! Let me shower real quick and we'll go!"

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