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The faint sound of an overplayed pop song blasting through someone's earbuds was the only noise in an otherwise silent classroom. It was a gloomy Monday, rain and fog hindering the sun from peaking through the dark clouds.
Gray glared down at the shiny, beige colored desk top he sat at, his chest bubbling with boredom and annoyance.

First period was always the hardest for Gray. After all, history was never his strong suit. He despised history, thought it was completely unnecessary.

Why did you need to relive the past anyway? He never understood the point.

However, history wasn't just boring anymore. It was painful. He dreaded walking into the room with painted red walls and posters hung everywhere. It brought back waves of memories, memories he wished to forget.


~~~~~~~~~~~6 months ago~~~~~~~~~~~
"What class does Gray-sama have first?" Juvia asked, leaning over towards Gray's shoulder.

Gray felt annoyance punching his ribcage but he swallowed his scowl and smiled at his new 'friend.'
"History." He replied, a hint of resentment in his voice.

Truthfully, that resentment was geared towards the fact that he was being forced to hang out with the freak of the school, however she hadn't seemed to get that part.

"Hm? Does Gray-sama not like history?" Juvia asked, looking up at Gray with sparkling blue eyes.

Gray raised an eyebrow at the girl next to him.
"You do?" He responded, genuine curiosity bouncing around his stomach. For minute he was forgetting that this was supposed to be an 'annoying' bet.

Juvia's eyes went even brighter, her whole body perking up. She nodded harshly, her mouth spreading into a wide smile.
"Juvia loves history!"

"Why though? What's the point of reliving the past? Why not leave it alone?" Gray asked again, leaning slightly closer to Juvia.

Juvia's cheeks lit up pink, however Gray chose to ignore it.
"The point?! Gray-sama there doesn't have to be a point! Juvia just loves history, she likes to know how everything happened. And reliving old memories is what makes life colorful again when you're feeling sad!" Juvia explained with a beautiful smile.

Gray stared at Juvia for a few seconds before smiling back, chuckling lightly at her.
"You're something else Juvia."


"Yo Gajeel, want a smoke?" Natsu asked, hitting Gajeel's arm lightly with a box of cigarettes.
Gajeel looked up from the grass under his feet and nodded, taking a cigarette from the box and lighting it with Natsu's lighter.

The day had only just started and the two boys were already skipping first period. They stood together behind the school, watching the first period gym class run laps.

More specifically, looking for a certain girl.

"Flames-for-brains, are you sure she even has first period gym?" Gajeel asked as he took a puff, looking over at his excited pink haired friend.

"Of course I am." Natsu replied back quickly, his eyes scanning the football field for any sign of "his Lucy."

"I mean really pyro-"

"SHHHHH! THERE SHE IS!" Natsu exclaimed happily as he finally seemed to spot the blonde. Natsu pointed in her direction, the large grin on his face making him look like such a creeper.

Gajeel looked in the direction Natsu was pointing, and there was the girl Gajeel had affectionally dubbed "bunny girl." She wore her hair up in high ponytail, and of course she wore the standard grey shirt and red shorts that was the Fiore highschool gym uniform.

But what really caught Gajeel's eye was a flash of blue running up next to "bunny girl." The girl was petite with short, sky blue hair.
"Yo flamebrain, who's the shrimp with bunny girl?" Gajeel asked gruffly, lifting his cigarette to his mouth and inhaling.

Natsu perked up and shifted his gaze from Lucy to Gajeel, raising an eyebrow.
"You mean Levy? She's Lucy's best friend."
Gajeel grunted in response, exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

"Why do you want to know anyway?" Natsu inquired, still as oblivious as always.

Gajeel turned to Natsu with a straight face, shrugging his shoulders.
"No reason."

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