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Lotty POV

Slowly, my eyelids peeled apart to allow for the morning light to reach my iris', instantly making me regret my decision and yank the covers over my eyes.
And whilst deep within my bitter thoughts of regret upon waking up, I failed to recognise the reason why I had woken up.... without any ringing noise from my alarm clock.
So I turned to check where the hands laid.
I threw the covers off my body and leaped out of bed. I grabbed my clothes of which unfortunately included a combined denim on denim but I was completely oblivious to this as I ran down the stairs and grabbed the first pair of trainers I could see. Screaming "goodbye!" I ran out onto the street and through the crowds of kids playing football to get to college.

Sorry I never introduced myself, I'm Lotty Mayall. I'm 17 years old. I have short blonde hair and I'm a tomboy. Always have been always will be. It's very rare if you catch me wearing makeup offstage! Also my favourite hobby is eating... oh! and music. I've been playing gigs at this place  called The Cavern for a couple months now and I'm actually getting pretty popular! I've got to stop this little introduction now as I prepare for my Literature teacher to absolutely bollock me for being late.
That being said I daintily turned the handle of the door which devastatingly screeched and allowed for the door to creak open.
Every head turned to me.
Nopedynopenopenope time to leave sorry A levels not worth it let's leave bye.
I ignored my conscience and walked in pulling an awkward smile and trying as quickly as possible to get to my seat.
"Miss Lotty Mayall, how incredibly generous of you to join us so late!" Shouted my saggy faced teacher Mr Strutt.
"I'm so sorry Sir! Me alarm was late and then by the time I woke up no buses were going here so I ran and it's a solid 6 mile run sir! I really didn't mean to be late!" I exaggerated
"6 miles you say?! Wow I thought you lived only 10 minutes down the rode?"
My face grew pink and I could here light sniggers around the classroom.
"Sit down Miss Mayall and maybe you'll actually learn something. In return for you're incessant lack of commitment I expect you to complete a 2500 word essay on my desk by Tuesday. Now onto Macbeth" I heard a chorus of sharp intakes of breath which then triggered me to shout "You what?!"
I was outraged I had only ever been late twice, today and last year. Why does he exaggerate so much?
"What do I even write it on?!" I practically shouted despite the class all laughing at my reaction.
"Be not the flower but the serpent under it Miss Mayall, use your imagination! God knows you have one, now I have an A level class to teach."
What a great day this is going to be.

After what seemed like forever the clock hands finally landed on 3pm which meant I could go!
I left the classroom in a haste and spedwalked over to the Cavern. The owners were having a huge meeting with all the acts and staff about something, probably rescheduling.

As I made my way down the street I was oblivious to the thieving bastard eyeing up the purse in my hands.
I carried on walking and then all of a sudden I heard loud footsteps getting louder at a quick pace and only realised when I felt my purse be yanked out of my hands that I'd just been mugged.
"OI YOU THIEVING BASTARD GET BACK HERE!" I screamed as I chased after him some people glared at me, horrified, others helped out and chased him with me. 4 boys in particular stopped what they were doing and chased after him behind me whilst they were hollering after him. He whipped around the corner as I speedily followed after him along with the other four sets of feet.
This guy clearly isn't thinking because it's a dead end, clearly he ain't familiar with these murky Liverpudlian streets. Once he came up to the end of the alley he gave a huge sigh and turned around.
Before I could see his face the group of lads who were helping me out held him down and pressed him against the brick wall. The largest one grabbed his neck and spoke through gritted teeth to his face
"Think it's funny teethin young girls purses do yer? Ay? Do yer?!" His tone scared me and I tried to speak up but I was barked down by another lad with doughy eyes
"The audacity of you?! To steal from a girl minding her own business, how low are you?" Alright mate calm it down, I can fend for myself you know?
Just as I was going to speak up again I felt an arm on the small of my back which took me by surprise.
"Sorry love I didn't mean to scare you." he chuckled out "Are you alright, I mean we saw what happened and felt like we had to help you out somehow." He carried on speaking to me but I was preoccupied with his deep brown eyes, he had high cheekbones and thick bushy eyebrows which allowed his eyes to glow more. He was skinnier than the other lads and looked scrawnier too, around my age, maybe older?
Then I snapped back to reality and realised there was still two lads of which I had never met interrogating my thief!
"I'm so sorry- I really don't mean to be rude, but I've gotta sort this, gimme a sec."
I smiled at him and he nodded adding quickly "Are you sure love? It might not be safe?" I just nodded to him in response but he still walked beside me as I approached the captor.
Man it surprised me when I saw his face...

AHHHHH, there it is! Hope you enjoyed this intro! Plus I'd like to add that I will be changing some parts in the Beatles history to adapt to my story, sorry and thanks for reading!

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