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We had arrived at abbey road studios promptly and had just begun setting up our kit for the audition. He then walked in. The tall, thin man with a judgemental look permanently etched upon his face. He maintained standard manners but they sounded forced when he said "Ah! The Beatles is it? John, Paul, George, Charlotte and Peter?" We all nodded "Its Lotty." I said with confidence; the lanky man paused and looked at me slightly taken a back. I stared back at him, he eventually cracked a smile and continued his talk. I let out a breathe of relief I didn't realise I was holding in.
"You have 15minutes use it wisely." We nodded again and John was uncharacteristically quiet. He grabbed his harmonica and we begun to sing Love Me Do. We loosened up and danced around on the spot slightly, the boys smirked at me and even they started dancing along. Once we finished the audition the boys went to get a drink. George Martin pulled me aside and we made small talk. "So, what do you think of the band then?" I asked
"If I'm being honest, I was quite surprised that you were in it- a girl in a boy band. I came in prepared to shut you all down... but you've surprised me. You all are practically stage ready, well not the drummer. Oh! I've said too much! This is far too unprofessional! You mustn't tell the others!"
"Don't worry I won't! You've got nothing to worry about, you can trust me indefinitely!" I lied through my teeth- this was great news! I couldn't wait to tell the boys! He then thanked me and went to speak to Brian. After a couple more hours of recording demos because George Martin said he wanted to listen to more, we all piled onto the train to Liverpool, me sitting next to George. I rested my head on his shoulder and slept the rest of the journey.
I woke up from a cold chill and curled up into a ball- only to find out that I couldnt curl up at all- in fact I was barred from it from two arms? I opened my eyes to see George holding me. He looked down at me and smirked and I smiled and asked "where are we?"  He answered, "we're going to Johns to celebrate!" I smiled and rolled out of his arms. "So that George bloke spoke to me and guess what..." they all asked "what" simultaneously. I waited a few moments longer and walked infront of them with my head held high,
"Cmonnnnnnn" I heard John moan and I felt a pair of arms slither around my sides and pull me back by the waist. He then nuzzled his face in the corner of my neck and the contact between my skin and his husky voice made my entire body shiver. "You better tell me..." I couldn't help but giggle at the goosebumps George gave me and gently tried to break free of his grip but he wouldn't let me go. "Fine! He said, that we surprised him... in a good way!!!" The boys all cheered and Paul and George lifted me up to their shoulders. I laughed really hard as they carried me like an Egyptian pharaoh to Johns place.

After they put me down and we chilled at Johns place. Pete gad gone off with his other mates so it was just myself John, Paul, George and we invited out old mate Ringo. I was so happy. Just that pocket of time, those couple of minutes of me just sitting in the corner tand watching the boys goofily dance instilled a tranquil excitement for my future, our future. I felt like I could fly if i really concentrated. The world was and still is, mine to control.

A few days had passed and our game in Liverpool was increasing ever so much. Word had spread about our possible record deal and suddenly I was let in places, strangers knew my name, people wanted my autograph.
I was walking down the street towards Brian's, he had called an emergency meeting for us all and we had to get there asap.

When I walked in I sat next to George and we all waited for Pete to arrive. Once he did Brian began to speak- and I knew something bad was going to tumble from his lips. "Listen boys (and girl), the good news is that, Mr Martin really enjoyed your audition. He found it refreshing and almost record material... almost." I gulped and began to itch my arms- a nervous habit. George saw this and held on to my hand partially as support and partially as a means to stop me hurting myself. "You see, Mr Martin won't allow you all to continue this journey in the state the group is in now. An individual must be reimbursed to ensure the groups eminence."
"WhT the fuck does that mean?" John angrily spat at Brian. I didn't appreciate this attitude, Brian was simply the messenger- you could see how much it broke him to spill these memorandums.
"It means" I spat back, I felt all the heads snap their heads to me, "we need to replace someone here in order for the band to succeed." A silence of understanding cast upon us all like a heavy blanket that forced all our gaits to fall and out laps to be extremely interesting. "Did he say who?" Asked George, Pete remained quiet and picked at his nails, seemingly unbothered. Brian nodded and stood up, he walked to Pete, he held out his hand in order for Pete to shake and he didn't notice in the beginning. It wasn't until Brian cleared his throat had he noticed and once his eyes focused on his hand his skin drained of colour and he stood up quickly. "No?! Me?" I felt so sorry for him, it must've been awful to hear, I was already convinced it was me anyway given I'm a girl in a boy band, and that hurt enough. "You tried your hardest, and you brought the group to this stage and we can't thank you enough, but you're not what they were looking for Pete, I'm so sorry." Brian looked broken- it's a difficult job to have. "By what about her! She should be out?! She's a girl- you need a drummer you don't need another guitarist.. and a slag of one too!" He glared at me "oi!" George shouted and rose to his feet, protectively shielding me from his view. "Pipe down Pete, don't go saying shit you'll regret." He warned but Pete was having none of it, "oh come on! How did you fall for it too? I get you're the youngest but I didn't think you'd be the dimmest. She wants to mess us up!" He begin to speak to the entire group like I wasn't there. "She's been adamant to get a bit of second hand Liverpudlian fame and when I saw through her- she convinced ole Mr Producer to give me the boot by batting her eyelashes." I sat there, not noticing my mouth extending to my knees. It would've hurt, but because of the utter whore shit coming out of his mouth, I knew it was all lies and instead I was just puzzled as to why he'd think of me like that? I didn't get what I'd done- I still don't, we weren't besties but I thought we were adult about it.
"It's time you leave Pete." George stated with all the tranquility left in his body, but anger managed to trickle from his words still. John, Paul and Brian stood and nodded. With a few huffs and pleading looks, he finally stormed out of Brian's.
The boys all began to speak of the future, ignoring the outburst of

I slumped back in my chair and looked out the window. My fingers began to itch and arms burned- I was itchy all over and my eczema stung and felt like a hot iron had enclosed the right space in my body. I became fidgety and focussed on calming myself down. My face was burning hot and that made me panic more as I knew someone would be able to see the redness in my face. I clutched onto my chair seat, staring into the distance; trying my best to zone out. Suddenly a pair of soft lips whispered in my ear, "come to the kitchen with me" I turned to see George looking at me, his eyes were firm but also worries. He seemed quite stern and he plucked my fingers from my grip on the chair and replaced my grip into his hand. I got goosebumps which I hope he couldn't see. He lead me into the kitchen while the others argued- they didn't even notice us leaving.
"You okay? I saw you panicking there." He sat me down and crouched to see me at my eye level, he reached for my cheeks. "You're so warm! I'll get you a glass of water." He rushed to the sink but I didn't really want him to go away, I liked his hands.
"Here you go." He handed me the glass and sat beside me. He kept one hand rested on mine though. "Don't listen to Pete Lotty, he was never good and we know that- you're the best thing that's happened to us... to me." I took my gaze off the wall and stared into his eyes inquizzingly, "sorry?" I asked but it came out as a broken whisper, our faces got closer, "I said..." he was still edging closer to my face, I could feel his hot breath as he whispered "you're the best..." at this point I could study parts of him that only one person could study, his hazel eyes were captivating me in his strong stare, "thing that's happened..." I felt his lips graze mine and my eyes closed, he didn't need to finish, now edging to close the gap.
"Ay up wankers I-" we separate quicker than blinking, upright and awkward in our chairs and hoped to god that John had blinked at that moment. Judging by the smirk on his face, he hadn't.

Sorry it's been so long, hope this is okay! lots of love xoxox

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