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2 days later
I've been staying at Brian's house for the past 2days. Too scared to face the world in case my parents find me and too embarrassed to speak to the lads. Brian was lovely though and extremely understanding, we had grown incredibly close.
"Lotty!" He called
"Come down I've got an idea for outfits!"
Of course this has been his project since he met us. I trotted down to find him at his dining room table with papers scattered everywhere. "Here" he passed me a picture of suits. I snorted and received a questioning look from Brian. "Well Brian for one, the lads don't wear suits and two, I don't exactly want to waltz out on stage in a full suit and trousers!" At this Brian burst out laughing too and reached over for another piece of paper. "You numpty!" He commented whilst handing me the paper. It had a black right pencil skirt and a short sleeved blouse, fishnet tights with kitten heels. I almost vomited. "Brian I don't know about this..."
"What?! I think you'll look great!"
"It's not that it's just, it's not really us"  he pondered over those words and continued by saying "I understand that but unfortunately, to break into the music world, you need to fill a gap, there's a huge gap for teenage heartthrobs, for something more than just rock and roll, to bring a variety- and that includes wearing suitable clothing. Just to get your names out there though! Once you're settled in then you can express yourselves!" He attempted to persuade me. I took a moment and looked out. Do I really want to conform to someone else? I need this career I know it. Oh for god sake it can't be that bad "Okay..." Brian beamed and with that there was a knock at the door. "That'll be the lads!" My eyes widened. "Brian! You promised you wouldn't!" I hadn't seen any of them and wasn't feeling up to explaining the whole ordeal of running away. "Lotty, you forget the meeting at Apple studios is in 3 days! You can't hide forever!" Another bang at the door. He gave me a sympathetic look and wirha quieyer volume he soothingly added "cmon they're worried about you." I sighed and looked up to him, "just give me a minute."
George's POV
It's been two days and no sign of Lotty. Whenever I come close to the house I either get stayed by her mother using the hose pipe or her father threatens me with a cane. One night I managed to climb to her window though, but the room looked untouched. Just a few clothes here and there.
Once I reported back to the lads we all got worried and instantly told Brian who, surprisingly, seemed calm. He told us not to worry and she'll be fine- how would he know?! I'm so worried.
Me and the lads were called into meet Brian at his for some outfit decisions but if I'm being honest- I couldn't care less! I don't understand how calm he's being, we haven't seen her in two days! John banged on the door. "I wonder where she is." He said, Lotty was playing on all our minds. "She'll just be at home." Paul answered but he didn't sound too sure. "But what if she isn't? You Heard George, she wasn't in the room and clothes were scattered everywhere. What if she left? Ran away- from us, from her family, from everyone." At this point I was sick of the conversation and pushed passed John to bang the door a second time. I could feel them look at me and we stood in an uncomfortable silence. Finally, Brian answered the door and welcomed us in- he seemed far too happy considering one fifth of his star band was missing. "Lads! I've got a surprise for you!" We all groaned in response as we knew what was coming, some new clothing ideas! I sat down on the couch and thought of Lotty. She was stuck on my mind. I'd give anything just to hold her. I was so worried.
Brian suddenly had a hushed tone and shut the door leading to the dining room. "Before you see her, be gentle. She hasn't had the best couple of days at all to be honest. Don't pester her with questions, she'll tell you when she's ready." We all looked at eachother questioningly but before we could ask Brian, he opened the door and gestured for us to go in. Once I glanced through the doorway I could see a pair of dainty fluffy socks on a pair of dainty feet. Slowly my eyes wondered the slim bare legs to greet a familiar set of eyes. "LOTTY!" She looked rough, her face had some sort of discolouration and I think she had more o her cheekbone. She was dressed in shorts, one of Brian's shirts and a dressing gown. Before anything else could be said I had already grabbed her in a bear hug. Soon I could feel all the other lads (even Pete) on top of us and she must of buckled because we all fell to the floor. Her giggle filled my ears with delight, she's safe.
Lotty POV
Oh it's great to see them- even if that did hurt! I prodded myself up by my elbows and looked at their beaming faces- even Pete seemed happy to see me! John was sprawled ontop of my his and Paul by my knees, Pete was by my feet and George was on my chest. "It's great to see you guys!" I exclaimed and the lads responded with cheers and I felt Paul's grip on my knees tighten- he was hugging my knees.
"Right get off you dickheads!" I shouted and I think I saw Brian wince at my language from the corner of my eyes. We all stood up and sat at the dinner table where all the sketches and photos were. Paul pulled up a chair to my right and we started chattering. "We've all been so worried Lotty! We didn't know what happened, George kept trying to go to your house but whenever he got near your parents threatened him!" I looked down at this and felt guilty. I didn't know he cared so much!
"You're a mess! Let me wow that mud off your face!" Before I could protest Paul had wiped the cuff of his sleeve against my bruised cheek. I winced and pulled away. I saw Paul's face and his eyes changed to completely sympathetic. He looked apologetic but I was embarrassed, he must of wiped the make up away with one swipe. I quickly excused myself to the toilet where I could find my powder and apply it, determined not to let anyone else see.
Paul's POV
I knew it! I knew she was wearing makeup. I knew that wasn't mud. Yes I feel bad over the fact that I hurt her, but I needed to know. Once I knew she was safely out of earshot I stopped the entire conversation by whisper shouting "Who the fuck did that to her?!" The other boys looked confused but Brian knew exactly what I was talking about. "What are you on about Macca?" John asked.
"You know that shot on her face that looks like mud. Well it's not, she's wearing make up to cover it up- it's a scab with bruising all around it" I gazed at George who went sort of pale. We were all suspicious of his feelings toward Lotty- especially John. God I hope he doesn't like her, I don't want her coming in between us both.
"Listen lads, she's been here for two days. She ran away, her parents don't know where she went and it looks like they don't care either. They've carried on like nothing happened. Can you imagine how heart wrenching that would be for her? Her own parents? As for the bruising well, I suppose you all can guess how she got those." The same thought entered all our minds and a shiver fell down my spine. I glanced at George who shifted uncomfortably and had glossy eyes.
"So, we're all the family she has got. You're all her brothers, look after her boys." I heard sniffling and George was sobbing loudly, guilt prominent in his eyes- he was the image of despair. Johns eyes had glossed over and he had turned pink, I didn't notice the tear falling down my cheek and I even saw Pete grab a tissue.
Lotty POV
I came in to a sight of tears. I already heard someone's sobs from the bathroom. They were foreign to me. The only people that seemed composed were Pete and Brian- though Brian looked like tears could spill soon and Pete had a tissue against his nose. Then it hit me.
"You told them then?" I aimed at Brian.
All their heads jerked to me and they all tackled me in a hug (George the closest, then John then Paul and Brian- Pete stayed seated.) "I'm so sorry I let that happen" I heard George whisper I pulled back and cupped his face while the others dispersed.
"You listen to me and you listen good. The only people to blame are those people I called parents! This needed to happen in order for me to become a stronger person- don't you dare blame yourself!" I hugged him not being able to stare into his pained eyes any longer. I kissed his cheek and held his hand as we went to sit down, I sat next to him this time.

"Anyway Bri lets show them the costumes if you don't mind!" I forced a happy tone but they remained sullen and stared back. I grew red and embarrassed, I just wish the attention wasn't on me.

"We love ya, remember that- you've got us." Paul said, and the others nodded. Those few words were all I needed; my heart warmed and eyes moistened, how did I carry on without these boys!
"I love you guys!" They crawled across the table much to Brian's dismay and we had another group hug.

"Right boys and lady, COSTUMES!" Brian had switched immediately from his fatherly tone back to his business mans voice. We sat and looked at the photos and I logged as the lads faces warped in disgust. "Suits?!" They asked in unison.
After an hour of debates, the lads finally gave up and agreed with Brian, we went to the living room and I chatted with Paul.

"Well I've written a new song with some help with John and I er want your help with the tune?" I smiled and happily said yes.
After about an hour of work we finished the song "When I saw her standing there" and it sounded pretty good if I'm being honest. While we were packing away the sheets of paper I asked "so who's the lucky girl then?" referring to the song.
"Huh?" He asked sounding surprised
"... the song" I referred
"Oh erm no one."
"Well I know that's not true! You can't write a song like that from imagination it's way too personal!"
Paul grew pink and just as he took a breath in, George walked in and told us we had to go get fittings. So we headed out.

Yoyoyoooooooo this was pretty boring BUT next chapter is exciting!!!!!!!!!! Well I'm excited to write it yayayayyayayayyayay thanks for reading, please comment and vote etc (without sounding dickish it rlly makes me happy and feel special lol) lots of love xoxoxoxox

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