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"BEN?" I yelled at the man I wanted to see the least. He just scowled staring at the floor.
I was in complete shock, my ex bandmate goes and nicks my purse. Charming! I was still stood there exasperated when the others spoke up, "Wait, you know him?" Said the largest guy
"Ex-bandmate of mine" I answered still staring at my once best friend. I couldn't believe he would do that. After 30 seconds of standing in pure shock. I started walking forward and grabbed my bag from him and barely whispered "I thought better of you".

For the first time he looked up and decided out of pure rage to suddenly grasp my throat. I felt blood rushing to my head as my airway was clogged and choked for what felt like and eternity until someone came up and flew a punch at him. Once he released his grasp I fell back and was caught by a pair of strong arms. I looked up to see the familiar eyebrows and deep brown eyes
" Thanks err-?" I blushed
"George love, are you okay?! I told you not to go near 'im little bastard" he enquired, his face suggesting a mixture of worry and anger, he helped me up to my feet and held my shoulders as if he was checking I hadn't lost any limbs.
"I'm fine thank you...I think I'm just gonna go" I answered, I really can't be bothered with this situation. I begun to turn
"But what should we do with him?!" Yelled all three boys involved, the fourth just stood in the corner watching.
"Let him go boys, thank you so much for your help, but you should just let him go" they all looked at me as if I stated the earth was flat.
"But you can't let him go!" Shouted the doughy eyed boy.
"Just let it be boys. Now I'm really late for a meeting so I better skidaddle, thanks so much all of you but this is my job, I can't miss this!" I yelled the last part whilst running down the alley ignoring their faint yells back as to where I was going and that I "shouldn't be going alone". Don't get me wrong I was incredibly grateful but I need to get to the Cavern, they did emphasise the importance of this meeting.

After running the rest of the 5 minute walk I got to the Cavern and sat down on the seat near the front next to the wall amongst fellow acts waiting for the boss to come on stage and tell us what this is all about. After more people piled in finally Mathew waltzed out onto stage greeted by whistles and applause. I just laughed at his stupidity, he was a funny bloke to be fair.
"Right my adoring fans, settle down!" He announced and the cheering dulled down to a anticipated silence.
"As you all know, the Cavern is turning increasingly popular amongst the Liverpudlian streets and the public want more. As you may have heard there are favourites in this room of which we have to prioritise. The only way for this business to carry on, is if we allow for the favourite acts to perform." My heart stopped along with I'm sure many others. They can't kick me out. Please no. "We as a family are so sorry, we have to put on the music the people want and we can't afford for mediocre musicians anymore. So, we have prepared a list of the top acts we would like to stay within the Cavern."
Strong whispers descended in the claustrophobic room. If I read you're name on this list, step forward alongside me, if not then I apologise profusely and I hope you make it in the music industry, it just isn't here."
My entire body was throbbing along to my heartbeat and my eyes were wide with anticipation. I had to know whether it was me or not.
"Here goes:
Rory Storm and the Hurricanes
The Beatles
Sally and the Sinadettes
Freddy Wilson
Lotty Mayall"
No way had he said my name! An entire waterfall of relief washed over my body as I walked with a sudden ease to the front not paying attention to the other acts and stood facing the others.
I felt so incredibly bad for the people who didn't get through, it was a truly heartbreaking sight to see because you could almost see through their eyes their aspirations for music shattering into thousands of pieces. The feeling of fear of getting kicked out the Cavern was enough to put me in a coma. God only knows how they feel right now and I can't help but glumly look at my hands as Matt finishes his list.
Once the unfortunate other people left the room Matt brought us to the middle and congratulated us.
"Now, doors open in 1 hour, get ready in your dressing rooms and NO HANKY PANKY, Lennon I'm looking at you, you're not in Hamburg you daft get" he pointed to a boy that I couldn't see as I was at the back of the crowd of people but the voice I heard sounded oddly familiar "oi oi can't make any promises there Matty- the girls have missed me!"
"Whatever Lennon, the order goes Sally, Freddy, the Shakes, Rory and the Hurricanes, Lotty and then The Beatles. Stand in order so you can familiarise yourself with who goes before and after you then!" As we all shuffled around asking about names I then encounter those doughy eyes from before.
"'Ello love?!" He exclaimed as I answered "Hello?! What...how...wait you're not following me are you?" I asked half seriously have joking.
He chuckled and answered "nah love, me mates and I-we're the Beatles! Come let me introduce you" he took me by the hand and introduced me, "I'm Paul" he winked "and this is John, Pete and you already know George!" George smiled at me lightly waving whilst the others embraced me like I was family.
After what seemed like one too many hugs I introduced myself, "Well Beatles, I'm Lotty and it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance... again" John and Paul bowed acting all posh and we all made our way to the dressing rooms.

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