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As the week progressed all that occurred was rehearsals. Today, Thursday we were all over Johns mums house. This was the first time I ever met his Mother and she seemed slightly crazy if I'm honest. She's great but confusing. I think there's more than what meets the eye. She was dishing out some sort of liquid (which I assumed to be strongly alcoholic) whilst the five of us and a few others of Johns mates were scattered and sprawled around the living room. Besides Johns Mother and Sisters, I was the only girl in the house and felt a little bit intimidated by the increasing rowdiness of the boys.
"C'mon love take a drink" Julia insisted to me, extending out her arm clumsily holding a glass of copper liquid spilling drops on my lap. Before I could answer John piped up, "Dont bother with her Mum, you won't catch her drinking at all now-a-days." I knew what he was referring to, that night with the drunk Caledonian clown. He and a few others laughed  whilst I glared at John so I accepted the drink.
"Oh someone's feeling dangerous tonight!" Paul stated sarcastically. I flicked the Vs to them and stood up,
"Fuck off all of yous, watch and learn..."
"Lotty you don't have to-" George began but it was too late. Half the contents of the glass in my hand had already poured down my neck. It felt like pouring liquid fire down my throat but my stubbornness forced me to carry on. Once I had finished, the lads all cheered, except George who instead muttered in my ear, "you alright?" I just smiled and nodded and before I knew it Julia had already put another drink in my hand.
Music started playing and everyone started dancing. Myself, well I stood in the corner of the room watching the rowdiness unfold. Suddenly I saw Paul come up to me and ask to dance, i reluctantly agreed but then actually had a good time as he grabbed my hands and we danced for at least 3 songs. But then mid way through, I felt George tap my shoulder and ask for a dance. I agreed blushing and shyly accepted his hand. We danced for as many songs as possible and when Paul came back for another dance George whispered to me, "just pretend we can't see his face!" and we did just that, dancing for the remainder of the song. Then the music stopped.
"TRUTH OR DARE!" Paul almost screamed.
"Oh hell no!" I yelled back.
"Why not dickfingers? Got something to hide- ant dirty little secrets?" John enquired,
"I just don't want to know your dirty little secrets hun!" I scoffed back.
"Come onnnnnn!" All the lads had practically kneeled and were begging me.
"Fine!" I rolled my eyes and sat on the floor with everyone else.
"I'll start!" Paul yelled like an excited child. He eyes around the room but kept his gaze upon me with a menacing smirk, "truth or dare Lotty?"
"Dare" I challenged back.
His smile grew as he dared me to "kiss the best looking person in the room." This was recurved with a bundle of "oooohhhsss" with Lennon standing up assuming he was the one. As I looked around the room I noticed George stare at me unblinkingly. It almost scared me. I ignored it as I tried to figure out an escape of this trap they put me in. And then it clicked. As I stood up the lads went quiet in anticipation. I waltzed over to the mirror on the wall and started acting out the scene, "oh hey there what's you're name... well your very mysterious." Some of the lads who begun to realise my plot started to chuckle, the others like Lennon and McCartney were just confused. As I made out awkwardly with the mirror everyone burst out laughing and Paul grabbed my waste and carried me to the sofa all the while shouting " you little rascal" and we both laid on the sofa tangled in each others bodies. It was too awkward. He stared into my eyes and I tried to look away, waiting for him to get off of me. We were met with wolf whistled and that's why I finally pushed him off me. I ignored the whistles and sat back down to where I was, blushing.
"My turn then..." I yelled trying to change the conversation. As I looked around the room I felt like a tiger searching for prey. I saw George and he seemed to be upset, his eyes were distant, not wanting to upset him further, I picked "John".
"I knew you couldn't resist me darlin'" he smirked, "Dare". I frowned and couldn't think of anything so I decided to crawl over to George to ask for help, and to maybe cheer him up too. "Georgie," I whispered "help me out here..." he looked at me and his eyes demisted and I saw a grinning George, he chuckled and whispered back his dare. My eyes widened and I stared back at him, he kept laughing and nodded towards John to encourage me to tell him. The others were sat in anticipation of the words that were about to leave my mouth. I stared at John then said:
"We dare you, to run outside (in the pouring rain) screaming Jack and Jill went up the hill... butt naked." I had an evil grin and Johns face went bright pink. I could see him contemplating everything in his head but the proud of John Lennon  would never say no to a dare. "Fine" he begrungingly answered. Everyone cheered and hugged me or patted John in the head.
He walked to the front door and begun stripping. I went bright pink but before I could even turn around I felt someone hug me from behind and cover their hand over my eyes. By the sound of his laugh and smell of his clothes, I assumed it was George. I laughed back and turned around whilst pulling his hand down I could look at him. "I'm not letting you look at those anytime soon!" He chuckled and pulled me into a hug. I giggled and pushed my face into his chest, enjoying this moment completely.
"Doesnt our Lots want to see these crown Jewells! Cmon love take a peek." Suddenly I felt a number of hand reach my shoulders and struggle to turn me before I could do anything I caught  a look of John standing proudly with his... you know what just dangling there. I mean it was bigger than I expected but that was besides the point. "AHHHHHH" I screamed and turned back to George's chest and the others laughed.
After John managed to complete the dare he got in and put on some clothes and John kept the game going.
"George!" He shouted,
"Ughhhhhhh" George moaned
"Truth or Dare?" He asked
"Truth after that!" He laughed
"Hmmm..." John thought for a while, " your honest opinion on 3 people in this room..." everyone perked up including myself at this. "Myself, Pete and Lotty" I felt George's eyes dart to me as soon as my name fell of George's tongue. He clicked to the back of his neck and begun to speak.
"Well John you're the funniest pal I have, Pete you're great and I've got to say, extremely sarcastic. And Lotty you're um, well you're Er um you're just-"
"Spit it out lad!" Johns mate yelled.
"PERFECT" George shouted. The room was silent and blushed like I had never blushed before. He finds me perfect? Me! I felt my corners of my mouth begin to tug upwards as I smiled. Before anything else could be said I heard a gagging noise and then a splatter. Paul has started throwing up. I ran over to him and brought him upstairs to the toilet. I patted his back and got him some towels. Obviously he had had way too much to drink due to his head stationary in the toilet. As I patted his back I felt a presence by the door. As I turned I saw the guy who I've been crushing on for all this time without realising. I saw his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes which seemed to have a forest of thoughts within them.
"Can we talk" he asked

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