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After a long night of practicing, I think we nailed it. I did lead vocals whilst Paul and George backed up. It was actually quite nice because I only lead on a couple songs (it won't be long and please mr postman) . We were just in the studios and performed our new song to Mr Martin, he loved it! So we're adding it to the album! We were just rehearsing when I saw George rush in with sheets of paper crumbled in his hands. The startling entrance caused the rest of the band to stop and look over at him. "I've got it!" George happily proclaimed, "I've actually got it haha!" He ran to me and spun me around and leaped around the room. "Got what?" I asked laughing. "This, my dear Charlotte, is the instrumental to Till there was you!" He explained kissing. The papers held in his hand. "Finally!" John and Paul exhaled. It took us forever to figure out an instrumental to it, I'm the end we gave up and decided it shouldn't have one- I guess George didn't listen. "Well.. what are you waiting for? Paul get to a microphone, Ringo get the bongos! John guitar and Lotty you're on maracas".
"Alright George! Calm down!" Ringo laughed. I chuckled and grabbed the maracas- they were more eggs. I was grateful for the break to be honest. Whilst Paul sung the song I focused on George, he was so concentrated on the guitar and it was so cute! His eyebrows were crossed and he was staring at his guitar like it might slip out of his hands. I got distracted for a moment and looked up at Paul, he was staring at me intently whilst singing the words, his eyes were pleading and it was almost as if he was trying to tell me something. I knitted my eyebrows together and looked away, confused. I couldn't dwell on it too long though, because George's solo came up.

Oh it was marvellous.

A work of art! So beautifully constructed I seemed to be in a dream when he played it. Because when the song had finished, only then did I wake up.
"Well?" George asked the room but looked at me.
"Oh Georgie! It was angelic! How did you do that it was beautiful!" He blushed and smiled, I ran to him and hugged him, ignoring the guitar that was in the way. I breathed in his cologne which made me have to retract quickly and sneeze.
"Sor- ACHOO! Sorry... that cologne is strong damn. Achoo!" I sniffed. The boys laughed. I looked over at them and noticed Paul's eyes were staring angrily at the floor. He briefly looked up and caught my eyes, quickly he retracted them and walked out. Immediately the boys stopped talking and all looked at each other.
"I'll go." I said and followed his footsteps. After stumbling in on a few meetings I found Paul sitting outside the studios having a smoke. I perched myself next to him and crossed my arms to try and warm myself up. He kept staring forward. After a minute I gave up waiting for him to start the conversation.
"For all this time I've know you James Paul McCartney, you've never stopped talking- of all times why would you choose now to zip it?" He only huffed to reply. "Paul grow the fuck up please?"
Still no reply. "Fine." I slapped my knees ready to stand but Paul stopped me by holding my shoulder. "No! Please." I rolled my eyes and sat back down. He offered me a smoke but I denied. "Listen Lotty, I'm just pissed because you... nevermind."
"It's because I hugged George isn't it?" I asked piecing the puzzle. He looked at me and his eyes widened, "well Paul I already congratulated you on the song! George had just created that guitar it was amazing." Paul answered
"Lotty for god sake that's not why I was mad... I was jealous okay?!" Jealous? Why would he be jealous? I thought. "Of what?!"
"You and George of course! Cmon Lottie. I like you!" He turned his head to me. "Ever since I met ya." He smiled to me.
"Wow really?" I asked, he nodded and I stared ahead. Do I like Paul or not? He's cute and sweet but then there's George. My heart beats whenever I see George (although since this news my hearts been beating even more). "I don't know Paul."
"And I'm not expecting an answer yet! Just please think about it?" I nodded.


After recording for another few hours, Mr Martin told us that a single with Love Me Do on it will be released tomorrow! To celebrate we went to a club all together.
Elvis's jailhouse rock came on and I grabbed Ringo to dance-he was the best out of the lot. Spontaneously we did a joint dance and it went alright! A dance floor had been created by the crowd of people and me and Ringo did a few flips here and there. Once we finished, we then realised the attention from the crowd and went even redder than what we already were. He bowed and I curtsied and then excused myself to go to the bathroom. Whilst I was washing my hands, the door burst open and in stumbled an intoxicated George.
"Lottieeeee! There you arereeeee!" He slurred.
"And here you are? In the ladies?" I asked back holding my hands out incase he fell.
"Come ere" he tried to engulf me in a hug but I ducked and he ran into the sink hitting his head against the mirror and falling to the floor.
"Oh George!" I winced and ran to him, I crouched to try and lift him but instead he pulled me down with him. We both giggled and started to talk, "Y'know lottie- you're stunning, absolutely flawless and sober me is going to shoot me in the morning for saying this but damn your ass!" I slapped his arm even though secretly I loved it. "George!"
"What do you think of meeeee?" He asked- if I'm being honest I was beginning to worry about how much he had. "Well you're nice, caring, know when I'm sad."
"Yeah..?" He urged getting closer.
"You're funny..." still getting closer "loyal... trustworthy...and" his lips barely brushed mine but I moved my head away so his lips were on my collarbone instead. "And drunk." I stood up away from George. I'm not going to kiss him in that state. I left the bathroom to find the others, too embarrassed to face him and what we almost did.

After another hour I was really gone and we hadn't seen George. I made my way through the dance floor looking for him. That's when I found him. Wrapped around another girl. It was messy if I'm being honest, hands everywhere and every now and again his tongue would slip out of her mouth. He never liked me, all he wanted was a nice shag. All those times we almost kissed, him leading me on thinking there might be a future. Clearly there isn't if he's out doing this. I was furious with him. My heart chipped slightly and I didn't know if I wanted to cry or punch his and her lights out.
Instead I walked away and went to the cubicle where Paul was sitting. He looked at me and smiled and moved to make space for me- see caring. I sat down and he put his arm over my shoulders. I accepted this sign of affection by leaning into his chest, needing affection. "Lottie look at me." I did as asked, "have you thought about it?" Knowing what he was meaning I sighed, "I'm not sure Paul." He smiled and said, "Well am I allowed to use persuasion techniques?" I crossed my eyebrows at him but before I could answer I felt a pair of lips on mine- Paul's. They were hard for being so soft, he forceful kissed me and pushed me against the booth chair- but I kind of liked it. It was sexy in a way. He cupped my cheek with his hand and his other arm slithered around my waist, I felt his hand touch my bum slightly. Then his tongue entered my mouth, and I didn't bite it off! I kissed back passionately but nothing compared to his excitement. His grip on my ass hardened every second.
After a while, we separated our lips in order to breath. Our foreheads meant on eachother and we giggled at eachother. Both blissfully unaware at the pair of heart broken eyes belonging to a boy that was kissing another girl across the room.

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