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I ran onto stage and grabbed the guitar left in the side. I heard quite a loud response of cheers from the crowd which was very welcoming but equally added the pressure on me. That's the thing with going solo, it's all eyes on you- you can't share out the blame a little.
As the other stage hands were coming on to play the instruments I boded some time on the microphone.
"Whey! Thanks guys! Er well I've got a mix for you guys tonight but here's one I wrote myself. It's a little old school but it's quick paced so I hope you like it!" And with that I swung my guitar around my front and sung Candy Man.
I sashayed on the stage and danced along with the crowd and before too long they knew the words too! I got a couple wolf whistles which I tried to ignore and by the end of the song there was a roar of cheers that instantly made me feel amazing!
The loudest cheers came from the Beatles, who were now all at the front row. John wolf whistled which triggered George to hit him. I just laughed at them and George gave me a wink.
"Ha wow thank you guys! Now here's my rendition of 20 Flight Rock, Eddie Cochran baby!" The crowd cheered and begun to dance.

After 30 minutes of ripping my lungs out, I announced the end of my set and, subsequently the beginning of the Beatles.
I giggled at the crowds politeness, they were only saying it to make me feel better.
"It's gonna be tricky to follow my pal Ringos introduction to me, but without further a do, GO MAD, GO WILD, GO CRAZY FOR THE PRIDE OF LIVERPOOL......... THE BEATLES!!!" The crowd screamed incredibly loudly and I felt that my eardrums were about to pop.

As the lads piled onto stage John approached me and placed his hand on my waist and kissed my cheek, muttering a "Thanks Love" and I just nodded at him. Before I could walk off stage though, I caught George's eye and quickly grasped his hand with a reassuring squeeze. He squeezed back and beamed at me. I went into the crowd to grab a drink before my vocal chords got coughed out of my mouth.
As I forced myself to the back of the room, I received lots of appraisal and pats on the back for my performance.
Finally I found a seat at the bar and just asked for a water. I got it and then just watched as the boys performed.
I didn't realise how good they were and within 10 minutes I was up and dancing.
Somehow I managed to get to the front during a cover of Jailhouse Rock and just danced on my own to their music. It was astounding. The only things I could question were Petes drumming as it was a little off-beat, and Paul couldn't quite reach the higher octave. Even so, they sounded amazing!
As I carried on dancing my heart out I hadn't realised George had been watching me from stage. His eyes were full of wonder and admiration which made me blush AGAIN. I seriously need to stop. I giggled and carried on dancing but didn't realise when a man approached me. He started to dance with me and I joined in carelessly. He was tall and had broad shoulders, he had dirty blonde hair gelled back teddy boy style and wore leathers.
"So what's a girl like you doing dancing in her own eh?" He asked playfully. His voice was very deep and he had a thick Scottish accent. "I'm not anymore am I? Anyway I was enjoying myself!" I joked back. He stood back smirking
"Well well well! Can I get'cha a drink?" He was now very close which intimidated me.
"Sorry I'm only 17, don't want to get you in trouble or nothin'" was my feeble excuse of a No.
"No worries hun, live a little!" He half shouted in my ear as he lead me to the bar via my shoulders. My mind kept shouting protests but I kept my mouth shut and just turned to look at the boys maybe catching their eye one more time and mouth 'help'. As I looked back they were all too busy concentrating on the performance- George was invested in his guitar playing only occasionally looking up but mainly staring at his dancing fingers.
Once the stranger took me to the bar he ordered me a vodka and coke and himself a beer. That's sweet of him I guess.
" So you never really answered my question, what brings you here?"
"I work here, finished my set onstage about 15 minutes ago, yourself?" I continued making polite conversation.
"Oh really?! Well that's great! My mates recommended this place and brought me here for a bit of fun. You got a boyfriend?" I almost spat out my drink out of shock and slight disgust of the taste, but mainly shock. I shifted in my seat making my back rigid and stuttered our a come back "I-I erm well I, why do you want to know?" I stupidly asked, stalling time.
"Well Miss- what's your name?"
"Well Miss Lotty," he continued, " I've now lived in Liverpool for 3 years and I've never met a lass quite as stunning as you, I'd like to know if you have a boyfriend to know if it's acceptable for me to date you." He answered confidently.
I was astounded, no one had ever called me pretty before, let alone stunning. Completely stunned, I found myself smiling at him, "that's really sweet erm..."
"...Jamie. And er No I don't have a boyfriend but unfortunately I—" I  was awkwardly cut off.
"Well you do now!" He exclaimed beaming. He pulled me into a hug and I wildly tried to explain again to him my denial. He instead held my hand and brought me to the dance floor. "LET'S CELEBRATE!" He shouted at me, confusing me completely.
With his hand gripping my left and a drink in my right I stumbled at his yanking and almost fell when he stopped, he grabbed me and pulled me close gripping my back, our faces were inches apart which made me feel sick- who is this guy?!
Luckily, a hand gripped his shoulder and pulled him back. "JAMIE! Where've you bee-oh!" He looked at me "Who's this lass then?!" A rowdy cluster of boys gathered around Jamie and stared at me. "Boys! This is me girl, Lotty" they all greeted me and I just nodded and said a few hellos not wanting to make a scene and embarrass him.
In all truthfulness I was scared. I barely knew this guy and he was already pulling me around telling people we were going out. I didn't know anything about him!
Eventually after a few more drinks from him. I pulled him aside and spoke to him, "Listen James- no! Jamie, I'm not your girl, I'm really sorry but I just don't want a relationship at the moment. Too much stress, you should get back to your friends." I stared at him but it looked as if he wasn't listening, he was more staring at the ground... wait my tits! He was staring at them as if they were aliens whispering something he was trying to hear, so his head was going closer and closer to them.
"Ugh you're disgusting" I shouted and turned away. He reached for my hand and spun me back. "Sorry love you're just so beautiful!" He was too drunk, anyone could see. I rolled my eyes and dragged him to his group of friends. But before I could get there four familiar faces stopped me in my tracks.
"Lotty!" The Beatles said in unison. I hadn't even noticed they had finished their set!
"Lads! Well done you were fantastic, all of yous!" I complimented beaming, but they had their attentions drawn to the guy I was dragging behind me.
"Who's that?" George asked me with a look of pure disgust on his face. He came closer to me and gave an unblinkable glare to Jamie who was too busy staring at my backside.
"That is a long story of which I'll explain to you all tomorrow when you get here. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to find this guys mates so they'll take him home." I sighed speaking as if Jamie wasn't in the room, Pete stifled a laugh of which Paul glared at him for, George looked at me with worry in his eyes and looked as if he was silently asking me if I was okay, I couldn't answer him, I just looked away. " Well good luck finding 'em- we were last on and everyone's filing our now- it's closing time." John states and sure enough as I looked at the surroundings, I noticed that our conversation had distracted me from the disappearance of practically everyone from the Cavern.
Just as I was about to give a huge sigh I felt something on my arse, a hand. I gasped and leapt forward. Before I could even look up Paul, George and John had approached the guy, George raising a fist.
"No!! Guys! Just leave it- he's drunk!" I screamed at them all, not wanting a full blown fight. "Nobody should touch ya like that Lotty! Don't care what state he's in, no man should ever touch her!" George shouted back, not looking at me but just at Jamie- Paul and John stepped back and gave each other a look at his statement.
I ran to George so he could look at me, I placed my hand on his cheek and got him to look me in the eyes, I saw pure rage in his eyes which scared me A LOT. The look on my face probably prompted him to soften his facial expression. I remained my eye contact and just said "Stop." With that, he lowered his raised fist and faced me, he didn't need to speak due to his eyes shouting a thousand sorrows and he just hugged me tightly.
Slightly surprised by this act I hugged back feeling comfort in his arms.
"HANDS OF ME GURL YA CRETIN" balled Jamie, stumbling to his feet completely unbalanced and tried to approach me and George. George protectively pushed me behind him slightly as I shouted " I'm not your girl you git!" John and Paul approached Jamie and held him down and out of rage John shouted "Fuck off yer Scottish git."
"Mate I'm from Caledonia, I'll fuck you and your little Liverpudlian chums with me bare hands. Lizz- I mean Lottie, yer coming with me" he drooled out trying to break from John and Paul's grip.
"Fuck off and leave me alone! You clown" I shouted. He looked taken aback
"Lasses like you shouldn't use language like that. If you want ta get ahead- the language you use should be left for dead. But I suppose you are Liverpudlian, scummy language that is you sound like a man enough." He spat at me.
George seethed of rage and lurched at him, punching him in the face. John and Paul also joined in by kicking the man whilst I just watched, horrified.
Before they finished I ran out, not wanting to watch anymore. I ran all the way home and jumped in bed crying. I had left all my clothes backstage in the dressing rooms so I was freezing but I didn't need to worry about my parents seeing me, they were out drinking that night.
I fell asleep in a tear drenched pillow that night.

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