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Days had passed and we still hadn't found our drummer. I had gotten over Pete in a rather sassy manner. His loss not mine. We were all in the Cavern for the third day holding audition when a short bloke walked on stage. "Well I never! It's Richard Starkey!" I exclaimed, "I never thought you'd escape the hurricane?! Boys, put down your pens, we have our drummer!" Richard (or rather Ringo) blushed at my comments but nevertheless ignored them and sat down to the drum set, ready to perform. "Thanks Lots, thought I may aswell move on, seems their not going anywhere." He replied with a smile, "what shall I drum?"
"Cheers!" Myself, Paul, John, George and our newcomer ringo had drinks at Paul's house, celebrating our new record deal. We got in contact with EMI studios and they said we should record everything in two days. TWO DAYS! All we've been doing since is practicing, it's now 7pm and we've been rehearsing since 7am, with one break inbetween, Paul has taken charge and is constantly nagging. "George you're playing the wrong chord!" He moaned, "well that's because you're out of tune- if we'd just move on from fucking love me do... please!"
"No George we need to perfect it- it's our best one! And Ringo! No offence I know you're new- but have you even looked at the music sheets?"
"Oi Paul don't have a go at Ringo just cause you're stressed!" I shouted to Paul.
"Let's just go over Please Please Me then." He huffed. We sighed with relief but also pain. Once we started playing even though I was incredibly tired, I decided to dance along to the song to lighten the mood. I shimmied next to Ringo so he felt involved. On the "I know I been sound complaining.." but John sings I held his shoulder and walked backwards in step with him just to keep people occupied. I even bumped my hip to Paul's to get his rigid ass dancing. I did my own dance in the middle and ignored everyone around me. It was actually really fun. I ended up twisting to the floor and back up, I don't think I thought of how tight my skirt was because when I turned I saw all the boys eyes glued to my arse, George had his mouth agape and forgot his que to sing back up, I laughed at him rattling his head. He gazed back at me and stuck his tongue out. I gave a cheeky smile and danced next to him, bye the end of the song he crouched over me holding my back and our faces were close- but not as close as the other day. I giggled and got up quickly.
"Right! I need a break!"
"Agreed! 15 minute break everyone!" Paul shouted and I think I sensed a psychic thanks from all my fellow band members for loosening him up.

I sat, sweaty faced at the kitchen table and began to write words, they just flowed out of me at that point, I started thinking of George and wrote down words. Without thinking I started singing:

"I may not always love you
But long as there are stars above you
You never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it
God only knows what I'd be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on, believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I'd be without you
God only knows what I'd be without you
If you should ever leave me
Though life would still go on, believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me
God only knows what I'd be without you
God only knows what I'd be without you
God only knows what I'd be without you
God only knows what I'd be without you"
"Wooooohooooooooooo!" I heard an applause and spun quickly around. All the boys stood at the doorframe. My eyes popped out of my skull and my cheeks reddened. I scurried to the table and gathered all my sheets of paper. I hadn't realised that I was twirling around on the kitchen tiles. I was suitably embarrassed and tried to squeeze past the boys but they were like a wall against the doorframe. "When did you write that?! We could've used it!" Paul asked, I shrugged and remained staring at the floor. "Lotty?" Paul questioned me further. I still didn't answer. "LOTTY!" He shouted. "Oi!" George and Ringo shouted back, John pushed Paul into the other room and I sped past George and Ringo and sat to the table. I grabbed my guitar and practised She Loves You. George and Ringo watched me for a while then walked forward, Ringo grabbed a chair and George crouched to my eye level. "Lotty... that was amazing" Ringo said excitedly. I smiled and looked at my lap, "Yeah.." George mumbled, "could you teach us the chords?" He asked. I snorted a reply "No! The recording is tomorrow! We don't have time to play about."
"Well that's exactly what I'm taking about..." he replied. "What?" I asked
"Think about it Lotty, imagine the look on Mr Martins face when we come in with a new song as good as that after a couple hours of rehearsing!" Ringo answered for George.
"Thank you Ringo!" The two smiled at me but before I could reply Paul and John walked in- Paul looked considerably guilty. "Hey Lotty, sorry I shouted. I just really want to get this nailed, it's my dream y'know?"
"Ahem" John interrupted giving him a look.
"- our dream I mean. And I've just realised I've worked everyone to death, I'm sorry."
"It's Fine Paul don't worry." I smiled and reached for his hand, you could feel how bad he felt and that killed me- he wants what's best for all of us.
"Paul, John what do you think of this..." I instantly cringed and put my head in my arms. I knew what George was going to say. "So? Shall we try it?"
"Yeah!" "No!"
"Why?" Paul and John asked me.
"it's too late that's why."
"Lotty pleaseeeeee" the boys all kneeled and looked at me with longing eyes. Not this time.
"No." I turned away. There was a sudden eerie silence but I could make out shaped breaths. As I was trying to figure their plan I heard "Okay then, well just have to force it out of you... NOW BOYS!" George shouted.

At once I felt hands upon hands coming forward to tickle me.
"Ahhhhhhh! STOP... ah- Please stop!!!" I begged
"You know when we'll stop!" John replied. Ringo has my legs and George had my arms while the other two tickled me. I genuinely tried my hardest to say no... but I couldn't.
In the end I gave up...
"Yayyyyyyyy!" They cheered. John lifted me and twirled me and gave me a smacker on the lips.
"Woahhhhhh! John!" I pulled away.
"Sorry love, I'm just so happy!" He explained. "Don't worry love- it was just a peck!" He whispered in my ear and pinched my bum. I looked at him with my eyebrows crossed, I don't think the other boys had seen John. Mind you, George had a foul look on his face- a flare in his eyes.
"If we're gonna do this, I need wine glasses to use as instruments, and also lets crack open a few beers ey? I'll go to the cabinet." I stated trying to ignore what John had done.
"I'll come with you." George said grabbing my arm firmly and taking me to the dining room. He only looked back at my wincing face when we got into the dining room and let go, he apologised for hurting me. After a few moments of clinking glasses George finally spoke, "so you and John eh?" I looked at him and he still had a blank face looking dead ahead, I caught him snap his eyes to my direction but once he saw me looking he looked ahead again. I smiled and put my glasses down and held his hand. "No George, we're not a thing." His shoulders relaxed slightly and he turned to me, "but he kissed you just now?"
"Exactly! He kissed me! George did you see my face after? Besides I like someone else." I let go of his hand a blushed. "Oh..." he sounded down hearted. I looked at him, I couldn't bear to see him so sad, "George you're so dumb!"
"Eh?" He replied, offended
"Do you have any clue who was in my mind when I was writing that song?" He still stared at me with a blank face. I went closer to him so my mouth was brushing against his ear.
"It was you" I whispered.
I slowly leaned back to look in his eyes. We edged closer together.
Great, we broke one of Paul's dads fine glasses. "SHIT!"
"Paul's gonna kill us!"
NO WAY!! 1K READS!!! Thank you all so much, I hope you enjoy this!! It's getting juicyyyyyy

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