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Lotty POV
I begun to tune my guitar in the dressing room and begun to sing a light tune. As I carried on oblivious to my surroundings, I was jolted out of my thoughts by the racket of four lads arguing.
"We can't just let her join- we're a boy band. She doesn't fit in with us." I'm assuming Pete said as I had barely spoken to him since meeting him.
"Since when have you cared about what we do, every other decision we've made you haven't been apart of?!" George defensively asked.
"Well I Er— why are you so adamant she joins?" He shot back. There was a slight pause.
"Come off it both or yous. Personally, I think she's decent and alright to join, we all know I can't hit those notes anyways. It'll be good to have a bit of diversity on our platform, for our image you know?" Paul spoke chirpily. There were a few more uttered moments of silence.
"Right then, vote for it!" John pronounced and I overheard a few mutters of "yeahs" or groans.
"Well it's decided then! We'll-" I decided I had had enough of snooping and walked out to greet the lads.
"Alright boys!" I greeted them but got no response. They all looked quite awkward and shuffled their feet, all but Pete who snarled at me- SNARLED?!
"Alright Pete?" I asked just to annoy him, it worked! He grunted and shoved past me. I giggled as did the others once they knew I had done that purposely. "So, we... got a new manager!" Paul exclaimed.
"Oh my goodness! That's amazing! Was that who the man in the suit was? Oh how brilliant! You guys are getting proper professional! Well done all of yous!" I congratulated them all and they took it, smiling. As much as I was happy for their success, it also served as a reminder to me that I wasn't good enough- it showed me that my parents were more likely to be right and not me. Maybe I was born for a normal life instead. It can't be that bad surely? I looked down and sighed. George noticed my physical change in attitude and stepped closer with a concerned look upon his features, "What's wrong love?" He asked me tentatively.
"If I'm being honest lads, I don't know if this is for me anymore. I mean I love musica and adore performing, but it's so much pressure especially since going solo, I can't keep up with anything anymore and I'm going to be kicked out of college if I don't get my act together... I just don't know." The three boys seemed surprised by my sudden outburst and taken a back, as I looked up I saw John and Paul exchange looks and then John spoke up. "Well anyway, back to the manager..." I changed my demeanour realising how selfish I was being by dampening their moods. "One thing he mentioned to us was the need for another member and it's erm, funny you mention how you don't like being solo because Er well, he specifically pointed out-"
"YOU!" George, Paul and John said at the same time with beaming faces.
I was taken aback. Shock probably written all over my face. "Me?!" I asked shocked. They all nodded, Paul added " we all voted on it afterwards and we can't think of a better person to join us!" I was shocked.
"Lotty, I beg of you" John got to his knees dragging Paul and George to the floor with him, "please, we need you!" John begged. I laughed and thought. "But it's obvious Pete doesn't want me in, you guys would be better without me, you are a boy band after all.." I sighed, George looked angry. "Who gives a shit what he thinks, he's a shit drummer anyway!"
"George!" I scolded
"Well it's true!" He shouted "You're amazing and we not only want you, we need you. Your voice is angelic, it's completely and utterly deserving of attention. Please Lotty, for me, become a beatle?" George pleaded. He added some puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist his beg. Somehow he had put some sort of enchantment over me to say "fine." They all cheered and lifted me up. "On one condition!" I added, "You let me write and perform some of my songs!" They laughed and nodded, "Of course you idiot!" Paul answered. I guess I'm now a beatle.
"So erm guys! I have an announcement to make." I announced as the audience settled down after my song. "Well, I've been going solo for a while now and I have to admit it's been an amazing experience, but unfortunately the pressure was getting too much for me." A release of mutters descended in the room, "Quite recently, (today in fact) I was offered a place to be in a band, you might recognise the name of the band being the Beatles?" A large gasp came from the room with a few cheers laced through. "Yeah well long story short, this is my last solo performance for a while..."
"AAAWWW" answered the crowd in unison.
"So I'd like to say goodbye to you all by singing my newest song- which you'll hopefully be hearing a lot more of; Bethlehem!"

"so you've left it all behind you
for love is only as you see it
though so many do confide in you
it seems you are the one who confides most
but you sin as you wish
because im in bethlehem
i've got a seat in heaven
and though im heavensent
i can do as i want
and you don't have the right to choose
cause you follow codes then break them
for love is only what does suit you most
hope, i hope and pray for love to reign
for love is what i give through my own cuts
but you sin as you wish
because im in bethlehem
i've got a seat in heaven
and though im heaven sent
i can do as i want
and you don't have the right to choose
im in bethlehem
i've got a seat in heaven
and though im heaven sent
i can do as i want
im in bethlehem
i've got a seat in heaven
and though im heaven sent
i can do as i want"

As I finished I got a large cheer and I welcomed it with open arms. I smiled and bowed. This would be the last applause just for me.

Sorry this is short! Hey she's a Beatle! That song is Declan McKennas Bethlehem, a pure banger and massive recommendation. Just a reminder to people that I'm changing history in this so it won't be accurate x

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