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Once I woke up, I stretched and groggily walked over to the mirror. I washed off the streaks of make up that had crusted onto my cheeks overnight and took a shower. As the water rushed down my back, I reminisced about the previous night. Immediately I was hit with anger, not just at Jamie but at the boys and more importantly, me. Jamie has been so insulting to me, the boys beat him to a pulp and I just ran away- I let them do it!
I cringed at my actions as I stepped out of the shower.
Quickly I slipped on some jeans and a T-shirt and walked downstairs. My parents were already downstairs eating breakfast, my father reading the newspaper and mother making a tea. I walked in and grabbed a glass to have some water. One thing you should know about my parents, they're traditional. They don't like my music and hobbies and only had me train on the piano because it was classical, they didn't expect it to evolve into any means of "pop" music. Previously, they found out I was in a band and forced me to leave, breaking them up. Only recently I started music again because my parents thought I was over the "phase". Little did they know I was no where near over it, I was thriving it. Matt approached me about being a solo act and I couldn't resist the temptation. On my usual nights, fridays, saturdays and the occasional weekday, my parents believe I'm at a friends house. If they ever found out I was doing gigs, they'd ship me off to a school in France.
"Morning Charlotte" my Father greeted me, gruffly. I ringed at the use of my full name.
"It's Lotty Dad, morning to you both." I said the last part with a mouthful of cereal I had just prepared.
"You should really stop eating such childish food and so disgustingly too! It's showing on your face more- you're getting fat!" My mother exclaimed, pinching my belly.
"Good morning sweet daughter! How are you darling?! I'm amazing thank you! Jheez isn't it just swell to have such a supportive family!" I answered sarcastically. They both rolled their eyes and carried on. Once I finished my cereal within the stoic silence of my families walls. I ran upstairs to grab my stuff and put it in my bag, I grabbed my notebook and pencil as-well, due to my how ever many words essay that was due in.
I ran downstairs jumping a few steps as I grabbed my docs and put them on. With one foot out the door I shouted "Needed somewhere-bye!" To my parents so they wouldn't ask me where I'm going. Now, whenever I don't know where it go- I just go to the Cavern; I love it! They let me in and I sit in the back writing songs, or tuning my guitar or gossiping with Matt. Once they let me in the back entrance, I sat in the usually filled club at a table. The emptiness was peaceful and settling, with only a few people either sweeping up the mess from the night before and preparing for it all to be repeated that night.
I sat in the corner with my notebook, but found myself writing lyrics to a new song. I still had all the anger inside of me from last night and it outed out onto paper. I just couldn't get the chorus right. I'm the midst of my thoughts I was disturbed by a cough. I turned around to meet George's bloodshot eyes. He looked worn and tired, but I was stubborn; so I just nodded at him and carried on writing (or at least I pretended to) but I was completely distracted by his presence. I heard his footsteps approach from behind slowly, "Can I sit?" I simply shrugged, he quietly sighed but sat. "Why'd you run off? Where'd you go last night? I was really worried about ye, anything could've happened- look how late it was! What if—"
"I ran off because you were beating him to a pulp even after I told you not to. He was helpless!" I barked at him
"He was a danger, lord knows what might've happened to you!" He pleaded with me.
"But nothing did happen to me George! There wasn't a need for you guys to do that!"
"If he had the chance he would've done the same to me Lotty. I hated the way he spoke to you, the way he looked at you made me sick. It's just ignited something inside of me- I don't know what, just something. I've never acted like that before and I never will again, please! I'm so sorry, it was wrong and I should've listened to you- I just couldn't bare that man making you upset. I was watching you when he said all that stuff about you and you're accent, you won't admit but I knew it hurt you. I could see it written in your eyes. I won't do it again, I'll learn to hesitate, please love, forgive me?" My hands had ended up in his and our faces were inches apart. He had tears in his eyes and I felt some brimming in mine, he was so emotional and I never knew someone would invest so much care in me. Not even my parents had given me such a heartfelt speech. One look in his eyes, and I couldn't say no. I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, "Oh Georgie! I was just so scared, I hate fights and I was just overwhelmed. Thank you so much for that, I needed it" I closed my eyes as my face was buried in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my back and I snuggled more into him. After a while we broke apart and he had a huge grin on his face. "What are ya doin here anyway?" He asked me looking over at the lyrics on the desk.
"Well I was still pretty pissed (as you can tell) about last night so I was going to write my essay but instead a song came to mind." I explained and he nodded sighing, "I am sorry Lots, like I said, I'm just gonna have to learn to hesitate." He shrugged.
I paused my thinking
"THAT'S PERFECT!" I exclaimed and grabbed my pen to start writing again. In the corner of my eye I could see the strange look George was giving me but before he could ask me anything and demanded he get and acoustic guitar out the back. He did as he was told and came back with and old battered guitar that was the Caverns.
"Right, read this and help me figure out a beat." I said as I passed him my sheet of lyrics. He read over them and laughed. I, cinfused asked him "what?"
"Nothing, just, you really were angry weren't you?" He asked laughing. I giggled and nodded as a response. Eventually we found a string beat with just the guitar and then I begun to sing the words...

"I've been so sad
Since you said my accent was bad
She's worn a frown
You Caledonian clown

I'm just going to have to learn to hesitate
To make sure your words on my Saxon ears don't grate
But I wouldn't know a single word to say
If I flattened all the vowels and I threw the "R" away

Some days I stand
On your green and pleasant land
How dare I show face
When my diction is such a disgrace

I'm just going to have to learn to hesitate
To make sure your words on my Saxon ears don't grate
But I wouldn't know a single word to say
If I flattened all the vowels and I threw the "R" away

You say that if I wanna get ahead
The language I use should be left for dead
It doesn't please your ear
And though you tell it like a leg pull
It seems you're still full of John Bull
You just refuse to hear
Oh what can I do
To be understood by you
Perhaps for some money
I could talk like a bee dripping honey

I'm just going to have to learn to hesitate
To make sure your words on my Saxon ears don't grate
But I wouldn't know a single word to say
If I flattened all the vowels and I threw the "R" away

You say that if I want to get ahead
The language I use should be left for dead
It doesn't please your ear
And though you tell it like a leg pull
I think you're still full of John Bull
You just refuse to hear

She's been so sad
Since you said his accent was bad
He's worn a frown
You Caledonian clown

I'm just going to have to learn to hesitate
To make sure your words on my Saxon ears don't grate
But I wouldn't know a single word to say
If I flattened all the vowels and I threw the "R" away
Flattened all the vowels and I threw the "R" away
Flattened all the vowels and I threw the "R" away"
We finished the song and it sounded great! Maybe a tiny bit patchy but considering it was our first go it sounded exciting. Suddenly George gauged me, and although the guitar between us made it slightly painful, I stayed there until I heard a small applause and cheers. We shot apart and looked for the sources with wide eyes, beetroot red. The remaining Beatles had listened to my new song and were wildly cheering with huge grins. I gazed back at George and he looked back at me and gave me a smile, but he also looked a little sad. I'll have to check up on him some other time.

Little bit of a filler chapter this but George is so sweet! The song Throw the 'R' away is a song by The Proclaimers ever is edited a tiny but to fit the story. It's an absolute banger an I highly recommend it!

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