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As the days flew by, I became increasingly tired- playing solo is a lot more different to the band and I felt as though it was getting too much. Don't get me wrong, the freedoms of being solo were extremely satisfactory but the fun was sucked out of performing.
I was knocked out of my thoughts by my English teacher. "Do you have that essay then?" He asked rudely. I nodded and scurried through my backpack to pull out a crunches and creased was of papers to hand to Sir of which he received with great disgust. I smiled and walked off to The Cavern.
On my route I reminisced about the time I met the boys after Ben had nicked my purse and attempted to strangle me. Almost on cue, there was Ben. Standing there. His tall, skinny frame allowed him to hold a towering expression that used to intimidate me slightly; but now I know him, it doesn't trouble me. Even after an attempted murder.
"Can we talk" he breathed out. I simply nodded and gestures for him to walk with me.
"Why'd you do that last week?" I asked, shocking him partially with my straight- forwardness. He paused, thinking, once he had come to a conclusion he spoke,
"I-I-I really don't know Lotty. I mean I was just angry. I was angry because you must've lied to us when you said your parents wanted you to leave the band because, well, you went solo!" He almost shouted
"I went solo as soon as my parents were off my back and unsuspicious, I knew you all hated me so I didn't want to ask you guys anything." I argued back.
"Yeah, thanks" I sarcastically added.
He came to a stop and I tried to walk on but he stopped me by rigging my shoulder. "Wait!" He spoke, "maybe we could start over? I'm sorry for the way I've treated you, it was harsh and unnecessary..." he trailed off waiting for my answer. I just looked up and forced a weak smile.
"It's fine Ben, for now I just want to go." I answered and started walking. To my disdain, he followed me still. You need a fresh start Lotty, forget those who forgot you I kept telling myself.
"I was thinking of re-starting the band if you're interested?" That made me stop in my tracks. I stared forward and mentally debated whether to speak to him or not. I just sighed "Not for me thanks Ben. Good luck for you in the future." And with that I kept on looking and moving forward.

Slamming the door to the Cavern open, I was surprised to see the lads all sat a table with a man in a suit. With my rather booming entrance, all the lads whipped their heads around to face me. I turned peachy pink with the unexpected attention and squeaked out a "Sorry" I coughed to regain my suddenly lost voice, "I didn't know anyone was having a meeting." Pete glared daggers at me but the others giggled, including the official gentleman in his suit. I smiled and rushed out of the room but not quick enough not to give George a questioning look, he mouthed to me "Later" and I simply nodded, he had seemed amused by my awkwardness and was still containing giggles (and failing miserably). I stuck my tongue out to him and rushed to the dressing rooms, frazzled by that encounter.

George POV
John picked me up in his car with Paul and Pete and we drove to the Cavern. "Johnny just tell us what it is!" Paul whined. I don't know why he tried, there's no use with John. John had rung us all up to take us to the Caver where a surprise is waiting. I don't trust our Johnny and he doesn't do surprises. It's probably a bucket of leeches.
"Can't do that Paul, anyway we have more pressing issues in our lives... like Lotty" as he said those words my eyes pricked up and I saw he was staring at me through the rear view mirror. I knew what he was doing but I didn't think it was obvious. I gave John a look of murder through my eyes. Before I could say anything though, Paul perked up. "Coahr, shes a fit bird don't you think?" I glared daggers at Paul But he was oblivious to this as he stared ahead into the distance. Lotty's more than just a girl. She's caring and funny and independent and strong and beautiful and I... she makes me feel like I could lift the Taj Mahal up with my pinkie. She's simply extraordinary.
"Oi you perv she's 17!" I yelled to Paul.
"What's so bad about that? She'll be 18 soon!" Paul looked back at me with knitted eyebrows, a hint of surprise sprinkled his features.
"She's still just a kid compared to you" I muttered thinking he hadn't of heard me
"She can't be just a kid with those legs, jheez when she crossed the room in the Cavern and I held onto her hand in mine, I swear to god Lads and I know how cringey this sounds- my heart went BOOM!" He fawned over the idea of Lotty, my stomach tied up in knots. I stayed silent and just glared out the window, that's when John parked the car and spoke, "I think Paulies got a crush! Eh?!"
"Oh I don't know Lads, she seems like a good shag thou-" I cut him off as soon as I heard those words passed his lips
"Fuck you Paul. Have some dignity. Lotty is more than just a shag, she's a girl with feelings, a girl with a heart, a girl that needs someone supportive. Piss off you disrespectful little prick!" Everyone, even Pete stared at me I just opened the door and stormed into the Cavern. Too angry to speak to anyone.
As I slammed the door open I saw an unrecognisable man sitting with a cig in one hand and whisky in the other. He wore a full suit and didn't look like the type who would hang about the likes of the Cavern. The lads soon trailed in behind me; Pete and Paul looked just as confused as I did. John perked up and introduced him,
"Lads, meet Brian Epstein, he wants to be our new manager" he said pointing to the stranger. We all laughed honking John was joking only to find out he was deadly serious. We sighed and sat down. Why do we need a manager anyway?! It's pointless!
"Afternoon gentlemen! It's a pleasure to meet you all! I've taken the time to-"
"Save it mate just cut to the chase, why do you want to manage us- how would it benefit us?" Paul interrupted. Brian lightly chuckled before he explained "Well Paul, thiugh I have little experience, I have contacts with big names, I'm talking about record deals here. If you put your complete trust within me, I know how to make you Lads soar!" He beamed, listening to him carry on, I begun to lean in as he continually captured my interest. I begun to realise how much we need him so whenever Paul tried to argue I'd nudge him to shut up.
Once Brian had stopped explaining the benefits we all stood and walked outside of the Cavern to take a vote.
"Right Lads, Hands up for yes?" John asked.
I immediately rose my hand, smitten with the idea of a manager, John did this to and after a couple of seconds Pete and Paul resistantly lifted their arms up. I grinned wildly and John jumped up walking straight back in.
"Congratulations mate, you are officially the Beatles manager!" We all shook hands officially in turns and sat back down.
"I don't like your tie" I commented in his ear, he looked taken aback and I just laughed.
"It's a joke mate" I replied to his offended face.
He instantly shook off his facial expression and wildly laughed.
"Hahaha, how funny!" He dabbed a tear from his eye, "anyway boys, down to business, I don't want to seem harsh lads, but if you have to trust me in this agreed?"
"Agreed." We all cautiously said in unison.
"Well Er- how do I put this... you need another member to play guitar with you lads." He awkwardly explained, "And well, she Er- needs to be a girl..." he added.
"What? Why?" Pete perked up, a hint of anger in his tone.
"Because well, I hate to break this too you, but the harmonies don't sound right because you lads can't hit the notes, it's almost physically impossible for a man to reach such pitches. A girl will allow for that and also being a variety to your fan base which is currently just screaming teenage girls." I was beginning to understand his point to be fair, but who?
Just as I was going to ask, Brian added one more thing, "and I know who to put in, Lotty Mayall that plays before you on stage seems perf -"
Just as he was speaking a deafening SLAM ricocheted the walls and I turned to find the source of the noise.

There she was. Lotty. She awkwardly shuffled her feet and her skin was quickly turning a shade of pink as she feebly apologised making myself, John and Paul giggle. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she walked to the door, she looked at me and knitted her eyebrows together.
"Later" I mouthed sand she simply nodded and carried on, a dim glow surrounding her.
John, Paul and I turned and smiled eachother.

Looks like we found ourselves a fifth beatle!

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