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I woke up to the sound of Paul's breathing and slowly opened my eyes to see him sleeping beside me. The first thing I do is check under the covers... phew- my clothes are still on. I sighed in relief and turned around in the bed. I was greeted to a grinning John in the bed opposite.
"Morning..." he said
"Ugh go away" I answered
"You weren't saying that last night..." my head whipped around to his.
"What?!" John started laughing
"I'm pulling your leg! Mind you" he said in hushed tones, "Paul was pretty determined..." I screwed up my face in response. Just as I was going to ask him how George was, I felt Paul tug my top from the back sI I would lay back with him. I resisted but he managed to pull me into his arms. I'm not gonna lie, it felt quite nice, it was nice to be wanted. But something felt off, in my stomach I couldn't help but feel a pang of something, but it didn't matter how much I searched my head trying to think of answers differing from the most obvious name- George. It was killing me.
He was the one that kissed the other girl, he probably lead me on to believe that he liked me because I look like an easy fuck. No I've got Paul, he's caring, romantic, good looking... but he's not Geor— STOP IT LOTTIE!! He's fine.
Whilst stuck in my foggy thoughts, I didn't notice that Paul had been watching me and my eyes fluttering to each topic.
"What's on your mind?" He asked which jostled me slightly, "oh! Just trying to remember what happened last night ahaha" I sort of lied.
"Well if I remember correctly, WE became official" he winked and gazed at me with hopeful and excited eyes.
"How could I forget!" I grinned, he grinned back and kissed me- no tongue just a romantic, long kiss, that is until, "OI CAN I JOIN?!" John had jumped on the bed between us and started making kissing noises to Paul. "Piss off!!" Paul yelled as I got out of bed due to the uncomfortableness and take one of Paul's t shirts and socks, it's practically reaching my knees so I decide it's acceptable to wear in front of the others in that large rental house we were in.


We were all going back to the studio to await the news of the released albums, we piled into the car and I had to sit in the middle being the smallest, I was inbetween George and Paul. Great.
I kept glancing at George, he looked tired and dishevelled, he still smelled of alcohol and like he hadn't shaved. He looked angry. To be honest I was angry at myself- why didn't I just kiss him. I know I was staring at him too long because he caught me. We stared at each other for a while but then I felt something tug my thigh. I looked to see Paul trying to grab my attention by playing with my thigh, this made me a tad uncomfortable so I crossed my legs over and grabbed a blanket to cover my legs.i saw George smirk slightly and he got a bit more comfortable in his seat, I looked at Paul who seemed hurt- I didn't want to do that! So I leaned into his shoulder and tried to fall asleep.
As I did so, I tensed at the slither of fingers that were high up my thigh and looked over to see George smirking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, hinting for him to move but he didn't. He just kept his hand there. Out of pure loyalty I moved my leg and moved my gaze to Paul's. We had a quick peck and then stared forward, hands intertwined. It hurt to do this to George, but he hurt me. There's nothing between us anymore. There is something between me and Paul and i should let it grow.

At the studio  we all gathered around a radio that Mr Epstein had brought in- it was one of those really advanced ones that could have headphones put in! As a song by Cliff Richard started to play, I decided to get a glass of water.
As I entered the kitchen and reached for the cupboard I heard the door shutting and footsteps quickly approaching me I turned surprised and went to hit the intruder who caught my arm as if he was expecting it... Paul.
"Paul! You scared m-" before j could finish he started kissing me passionately and pressed me against the cupboards. His hips were beginning to grind against mine. I was frozen. Shock maybe. I thought it was going to be George truth be said. I didn't like this at all to be honest. I maged to gain some strength and push Paul off me.
"What are you doing Paul?!" I whisper shouted. He smiled and said "C'mon Lotty it's just a bit of fun before the song, I want this to be memorable y'know!"
"Oh I think it'll be memorable for the wrong reasons!" I spat.
"What do you mean darling?" He asked confused
"I mean, I'm not going to shag you just because we're a thing, especially not in public! I'm not a skank!" I shoved past him to go back to the studio. I walked quickly, I felt a tear brimming in my eye and tried to brush it away, that's when I bumped into George, great.
"Lotty... what's wrong?" He holds my arms and looks in my eyes, he stoops slightly so to be eye level.           " Nothing George" I say
"That doesn't look like nothing El." El, El. That's quite a nice name on his lips. I looked more upwards now so he doesn't need to bend, my lips parted as to speak but just as the first word began to form, I heard a hustle of footsteps and the familiar breathing of Paul rush towards us. He stands behind me and holds my shoulders slightly forcefully. George notices the close proximity between us two so he edges slightly away looking hurt but also confused as to what was happening.
"Alright George!" He smiled a little to eager,
"Alrigh' Paul" he says back, slightly skeptically.
"Well, shouldn't we get back? Don't want to miss it, ey?" He indicated for me to walk back with him as he pushed me forward with him. He walks almost too quickly for me to keep up and I glance back at George, scared. "What were you two talking about?" He hissed.
"Why do you care" I hissed back. He looked as if he was going to snap but we walked into the room and he had to rip his gaze off me as to smile at the others and pretend all is fine. I smiled but I think it was seen through, particularly by John. He stared at me questioningly but I pretended to be a dumb blonde and not notice. I did rub my arm were Paul had dragged me- that hurts bad.
Surely he didn't mean it, he couldn't of. It was just Paul misjudging things. Well forget it happened and dance it off. I'll put on an act.
The song played and there was a real buzz of energy. I wasn't going to stop it. I started dancing around the room. I even got Mr Epstein to do a little shuffle with me. I've got to stay smiling. No one wants to see you break down.
My smile was plastered convincingly on my face. As we danced to Love Me Do I at some point got flung into George's arms, we started shuffling together and did a quick step together. But his eyes were looking right into mine. When the music stopped he just looked into my eyes still. As if asking if I'm ok.

That boy. There are no words.

I'm back Bitchessss. Thought I'd pick this back up just to see how it goes, let me know if you like it pleaseeeeee?!

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