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"Pete man you've got the beat all wrong!" John yelled over us all. Myself along with the others immediately stopped playing; George rolled his eyes and decided to set on the edge of the stage. It had been around a month since I had joined the Beatles and this was a regular occurrence. We had been rehearsing for 2 hours and had to stop every 10 minutes because Pete had lost the beat.
" Well it's not my fault Lotty played the wrong chord!" He barked back accusingly jabbing his arm to my side. Since I joined, Pete has grown ever increasingly cold, and he's always angry towards me. Atleast I've noticed it, I don't know about the others. In response to this, the boys rolled their eyes and chuckled sarcastically, "you cant seriously be trying to blame Lots again can yer?" Paul asked. Pete had no comment. "Right! Let's start again shall we?" John asked but I quickly interjected (something I definitely didn't usually do but I was growing more comfortable and confidential the group as the days increased).
"Maybe we should call that a day John? We've done nothing but rehearse all week and we won't get anywhere if we don't have the energy to strum our guitars?" I suggested. John initially seemed taken aback by my voicing but ultimately agreed with me. As the boys packed up I sat next to George on the edge of the stage.
"Hiya Georgie"
"Alright Lots?!" He chirped back
"Jesus I'm tired" I yawned out and leaned my head on his shoulder. He chuckled and smiled at me. For a while I just rested my head there and we stayed in silence. After a while I looked up to catch his eyes looking back. I instantly blushed and looked to my feet.
"Hey Lotty?" He asked.
"Mhm?" I answered gazing at him
"Do you want to erm, pop into town with me? I was going to go and look at some guitars if you'd care to join me?" He stuttered on his words. Instantly I sparked to life and wildly grinned " Yeah sure! I'm fully awake now let's go!" I answered
"Woah you seem excited just to look at some guitars?" He asked me a little confused.
"Well of course, it is my profession currently" I sort of truthfully answered, in all honesty I was more excited just to spend some time with George.

As we roamed the murky streets of Liverpool George asked me a billion and one questions about myself and I him. "So other than guitars what do you like to do?" He asked me, " I enjoy writing and reading, I'm studying English Literature right now and I really enjoy it!" George nodded intently, seemingly fascinated with every word that left my mouth. "Wow that's brilliant! I can't write to save my life, I even try to write songs but they just end up dead grotty y'know?" He looked slightly upset. I was really confused at this, " No you're not George! How can you know that you're shite when you haven't let anyone read or listen to your stuff?"
"I just know it's shit"
"George, your worst critic is yourself those are the words of some sort of quotemaster somewhere outx there but it's true!"
"Well how do you know anyway- you haven't seen their shittyness!" George half jokingly proclaimed.
"Fine then, sing them to me, then I'll decide!" George chuckled at this but then gazed at me. His pupils widened at the realisation that I was deadly serious, "What no?! Besides I haven't got any material with me, I chucked it all out!" He lied.
"I call bullshit Mr Harrison!"
"Call it whatever you want, that's not happening!" He exclaimed.
"Fine then, I've got a dare for you..." I smirked evilly. George looked almost disappointed in me but also impressed. He knew that I knew George has never dropped a dare in his life, it's a fact that he tells anyone and everyone of quite frequently.
"You wouldn't!" George shouted overdramatically.
"Oh but I would! I dare you to write a song by the end of the week...about me!" I stated and begun to run out the door before he murdered me.
"But Lotty—"
"No buts, I'm expecting it by Friday Harrison!" It did pain me to run away from his company but he needed this. He needs a boost to prove to himself he can write-everyone can!

I'm so sorry I know this chapter is crap and really short, I've had a very eventful week and just not had the time!! I'll be back to normal soon xxx

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