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I nodded and sat leaning my back and head on the tiled wall. He sat next to me with he's arms around his knees holding a bottle, he looked straight ahead.
"I'm sorry if what I said was wrong, I just I think you're great! And well you're-" I cut him off.
"George I liked it" I smiled with a quiet voice. He turned his head to look at my face which was staring at the bathroom wall. "What?" I could hear a smile that danced on his lips.
"You heard me..."
"No- I don't think I did!" He smirked, I rolled my eyes and looked at him
"I liked it! It's flattering and well, I erm wanted to hear it." I stuttered and looked down to my fiddling hands on my lap. A beat passed and I felt George's hand on my cheek, gently urging it to move and face his, I complied and my face came inches away from his.
We just stared into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity. I felt his breath tickle my lips but resisted the urge to itch or move away. Slowly we gravitated closer and closer like magnets but I didn't realise, I was too invested in his eyes. His breath was heavier on my skin and got hotter and hott-
"Blurghhhh" Paul threw up some more excess alcohol in the toilet and shattered the moment. Cheers Paul. I could feel the blood rush to my face and turned quickly to Paul to soothe him and also cover my redness.
John stomped in and said that everyone's thinking of sleeping now.
"What should we do with this drunk sod?" I asked John, stumbling after him down the corridor. "Just leave him there!" He carelessly shouted back. "Okay... well I best be going back" I yawned and John turned around, " you what?" He and George exclaimed at the same time. "I'm gonna walk home!" I yelled.
"Not in that state you're not you daft get" George yelled back.
"well it's not that far, I walk there all the time"
"I'm not saying it's that far, the point is, it's 2am, you're off your tits and you have to walk down 50 alleyways. You're staying here." George looked stern and I didn't want to fight back on my own, I looked at John for any sort of help, he just looked at me with raised eyebrows and said "you better choose a sleeping buddy"
"For Fuck Sake." I moaned, "do I have to sleep with a guy?" I asked.
"Unless you wanna sleep outside-"
"She can have my bed and I'll sleep on the floor." George declared. I turned at looked at him with stern eyes, " well that's not gonna happen."
"Why not?" He confronted
"Because then I'm that bitch. It's unfair on you, you're getting the bed!" I fired back
"No you!" George shouted
"No you!"
"No you!"
"Guys!" Paul yelled "George you're on the couch, Lotty get in the bed, you're not sleeping with anyone tonight. Now shut up before I-" but before he could finish speaking, he threw up some more. Instantly feeling bad for waking up Paul, I instantly gave up the argument, sighing as I looked at George's triumphant eyes giving him a playful punch in the chest. He laughed and pulled me into a hug. I whispered in his ear, " sorry for kicking you out Georgie!"
He edged apart slightly but out pelvis' still attached, "Love, it's my pleasure you numpty!" He hgged me again and I laughed into his chest.
I hugged John and a few others, I went to give Pete a hug but was denied by him spinning around and getting a drink. I looked back to the others who just rolled their eyes. As I walked into the guest bedroom a wave of sleepy ness overwhelmed my senses and I lazy chucked off my clothing leaving my bra and pants on. I made sure I was in the covers safely in case lennon would pull a prank on me and find me half naked.
In a moment of limbo, I saw George's face, still warm from his hug, I slept soundly in a midst a cloud of...him.

I woke up to the noise of banging and cluttering and all of a sudden felt pressure on my feet. I opened my eyes and during the split second it took for my eyes to focus, I felt something being pulled off me and a cold chill across my body. I saw John and the boys surrounding me and a commotion of voices. As soon as the covers had been taken off me though, they went silent. I wondered why they suddenly had a strange silence until I remembered, MY CLOTHES.
"AHHHHHHH" we all screamed together and I tried to pull the cover over the top again but saw it was on the floor. In a and panicked I grabbed the pillow and covered it over my body. "For fuck sake Lennon haven't you ever heard of fucking privacy?" I yelled, embarrassed and my head had increasingly turned red. The boys sniggered which caused me to get even more embarrassed "GET OUT!" I screamed but as they began to move lennon answered " No can do sister, Mimi will be back in 20minutes I'm afraid you're the one who has to get out, and tidy up on the way!" At this some of the other boys seemed to have remembered why they had come in and rushed out, picking up bits and bobs off the floor along the way. Paul, John and the one I least of all wanted to face, George remained. "What are you still doing in here?" I asked them all angrily. Paul awkwardly mumbled an answer and seemed to go pink as he itches the back of his neck, George said nothing but stared at me, I couldn't read his expression. It was confusing as to whether it was good or bad. It was unreadable. I grew hotter and hotter. "But I want to see that again!" John stated as if it was perfectly reasonable, "get...out" I was getting more and more agitated. "Make me!" I looked at the others for help, catchingGeorges stare, he blinked and looked to John, "cmon it's not fair!" He whines and moves himself inbetween myself and John. I felt protected behind him, safe.
"My house, my rules!" John shouted harshly back.
"John!" Paul and George yelled.
He sighed looking at them both, "fine" he walked out with Paul guiding him, regarding me a sympathetic look. George turned and looked me in the eyes. "Do you need anything? A new top, new trousers?" He huskily whispered. He probably didn't mean to be husky but fuck me he was. I gulped and nodded, barely spitting out my words, "I Er yes erm, a Er- top please if that's, please, if that's okay?" I stumbled. He chuckled and took off his own T-shirt and passed it it was navy blue and reached down to my thighs. I smiled at him and thanked him.
He got up and started to walk to the door, giving me my privacy.
As I walked groggily home I held onto my bag and tried to harness a hangover and the route home by balancing on one foot too long and then the other as I stomped home.
As I opened the door I flung my bags to the floor and swung the door open to the kitchen to grab a drink of water. I went to the sink and took a gulp of water and another then gargled it in my mouth and spat it back into the sink.
"Ahem" A/N think of umbridge from Harry Potter I turned around to be met with 5 pairs of eyes. My Parents holding the same deceiving smile that constitutes to you are dead. Another 2 sets who seemed slightly taken a back, probably my parents age. And another by a man who looked slightly older than me, but only by a margin.
"Lotty dear," my mother said I am unusually  high pitched voice, "These are the Browns- they've moved in next door. This is Mr Brown, Mrs Brown and this is their son, Ethan Brown. He's in the year above you!" Mum seemed way too enthusiastic for this and so I answered "Pleasure! If you'll excuse me I'm going to get changed!" I dashed out of the kitchen incredibly embarrassed and ran upstairs to get changed.
I came down looking much more presentable wearing a pair of jeans with George's top tucked into it. I smiled as I walked into
the kitchen and sat with the strangers. As they rambled on about nothing in particular I offered to make some tea. They all nodded but I realised there was no milk. So I announced I was walking down to the park to get some milk.
"I'll come!" Ethan practically yelled standing up. I was a little bit disappointed because I couldn't be bothered with the politeness but covered my disappointment with a smile, "great!".
As we walked to the shops, there was an awkward silence. "So.." he said, he had blonde hair and was a lot bigger than me, "where abouts are the shops from here?" He asked trying to make conversation.
"Ah yeah, about 5 minutes," he smiled and nodded. He seemed sweet but I wasn't in the mood to talk. "Hey, Er aren't you in that band? What's it called?"
"The Beatles?" I asked
"Yeah! Jeez my mates were all talking about you in class so I had to see for myself, they were right you're a right looker- and a good singer too." He stated. I blushed and looked to my right (where the store was). "Let's go then" I stated as we crossed the road and I tried to change topic. How was this boy making me blush?

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