Well that was very unexpected. I just look around and see everyone surprised. I look at the kids. Amy is sleep so I turn the movie of and put on some music for her. Liam is still watching the movie. I am broken out of my thoughts by the lady cop.
"What the hell do you mean TWO wives?"
"We all got married by our pastor but it's not recognized by the state." He says looking down.
"Mark what the hell were you thinking? STEVENS, JACOBS get in here." She yells. Just then two more cops enter the room.
"Yes Ma'am" they both say
"Handcuff Kerry here and take her down to county" she tells them.
"Captain you can't do that" Mark says looking upset.
"Look Mark I understand she is important to you but it is the law. One you sworn to protect."
"This is all your fault you little dirty fucking freak" Mark says while walking towards me.
The lady cop stops him. "You need to calm down. She did nothing wrong."
"I will find you and kill you and those little fucking brats." He then pushes the cop out the way. I move so the kids are behind me. He punches me in the face. And then right where I was stabbed. Then he falls to the ground. I look up to see the lady cop with a taser on him. One of the other cops takes his gun and other thing and handcuffed him.
Liam shakes me out of the scene and I see him crying.
"What's wrong bud?" I asked him
"Sis your bleeding please don't die" he says while crying and pointing to my wound.
This catches the nurse and doctors attention and the move in closer to me. I can fell Liam shaking. So I hold up my hand to stop them. I didn't even realize I was bleeding until he told me but right now I had to calm him down first.
"Liam bud I told you I'm not going anywhere ok. Yes I'm bleeding but I'm ok. So I need you to take deep breaths and relax." Once I get him to calm down I turn his face to look at me.
"Ok I need to to be a big little dude ok I'm going to leave you with this nice lady ok." He starts to shake his head and crying. "Hey bud she is not going to take you away from me ok. I will make her promise." I look to the other social worker, already feeling lightheaded. She gets the clue.
"I promise I won't take you away. I'm going to watch you until your sister comes back. She needs the doctors to help her. Is that ok Liam?"
"Ok" he says very quickly and quietly.
"Remember take care of Amy ok make sure you both eat if I'm not back in time."
"I promise sis. I will be your big little dude." This is something that the both of us did during my time with them.
I give her a nod to take them. The nurses and doctors then rush to me. The nurse from earlier pressing something on my now open stitches. She is now sitting above me while the rest wheel me out. I feel my eyes get heavy. I guess I was losing a lot of blood. Well at least I can sleep now.
"Hey kid stay with me ok. You need to stay woke for your brother and sister." I hear the nurse say. I open my eyes. She smiles at me. I give a small smile back.
We are rolled into another room and something is placed on my face. I look up to see the nurse looking at me.
"Hey your ok. I just need you to take deep breaths and relax. We will get you back to them ok."
I dont know why but I trust her and soon I'm met with darkness.
I wake up to some very annoying beeping and soft snoring. I look to my side and see Liam sleeping. I look around and see Amy playing with the new lady. From here it looks like she is coloring. I guess she felt someone looking at her cuz she starts to look around. Her eyes connected with mine. Sissy 'ou up. She runs to the bed only to stop because she can't reach it.
Sissy I 'ant re'ch it help me plewse" she say to me with a pout. I chuckle a little and was about to say something when I was interrupted.
"Is it ok if I help you" the new social worker says I'm not sure she said her name but if she did i dont remember it. Amy looks at me then I nod. She slowly places her hands under her armpits and sat her on my other side very aware of the wound. Amy places kisses all over my face basicly sitting on my chest.
" I missed you too princess. How were you?"
"I good sissy ask miss Linda. Liam was wary sad when I got up. And 'ou no the'r. I got sad too. I miss 'ou sissy." She say with tears coming down.
"I'm here princess and I told you that I wouldn't leave didn't I. I'm happy you were good."
She put her face in my neck which was ok with me. She was crying I was rubbing her back making sure she knew I was there. Her breathing evened out and I knew she was sleep.
"Did they eat? And why are you here still?" I asked Miss Linda
"Well I'm your new social worker along as those little ones. I'm sorry you have been through so much. And yes the did eat."
"I see well I won't let you separate us." I demanded
"Trust me I was not thinking about doing that. I see that your very good with them and they seem to only trust me. The only reason she was coloring with me because she was very bored." She said while laughing. "Look I'm going to make sure you guys stay together."
"Thank you. Now do you mind I had a long day and I'm tired" I said very nicely. With that she sat down on the chair and started to do paper work. I looked at the two little ones sleeping on me and found myself drifting to sleep.

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned