"Alex are you almost ready? You need to be down there in ten minutes." Dave said
I was standing in the mirror looking at myself. I have been through so much. I never thought for one moment I would make it to this day. The day where I have a family that loves me. The day that I call the woman I love mine.
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Dave came in the room and stood behind me.
"You alright kiddo?"
"Yea I was just thinking how after everything I have been through and now I'm here and happy."
"Well you deserve it kiddo. Don't take too long I will waiting outside the door." With that he left.
Man how my life has changed in the last two years is crazy.
Three months ago
After everything with Jean was sorted out. My little guy stayed in the hospital for about a month then came home. Within that month Sky had her surgery and is recovering. Tia has quit her job to be a stay at home mom. I ended up getting three more bodyguards. Surprisingly it was three of the people that used to work with Adam.
Steve and Anita are doing amazing. Kim and Emily is doing well too. The kiddos well they are being kids and thats all I ever wanted for my siblings.
I ended up opening another business so as for now money is no problem.
Back to reality
A lot has went down within those three months but right now was not the time to dwell on them.
Tia picked out the colors of the wedding red, white and black. I let her have the wheel on this because I wanted to make her happy by giving her the dream wedding. She would often say its my wedding as well I should put what I wished in it. My answer was always the same.
"As long as I get to marry you my wish is in the wedding."
So, with telling her that for like a month she finally took the wheel.
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