Thought I would just post it because we all bored. So enjoy but imma need yall to vote for the next one. Enjoy yall
It took us about fifteen minutes to get to the cabin. We made sure to keep our distance. Dave texted me ten minutes ago and told me Tia is pissed off but said I betta come back in one piece. We waited until the last person got there.
"Ok let get this started....." we heard Tonya say.
"So everyone knows the plan?"
"Can we go over it one more time?" Kim asked. I could tell she was scared
"We are going to drop the EMP then you are going to stay in the armored truck and control that gun via the computer. Dont forget to pop on the night vision in the glasses everyone. Then Eric will be on the other gun which will be at the back of the cabin. Yall will provide us cover. Adam, Sonya and Grey are going through the front. Ray and I are going through the back. Then we have Vero up there at sniper to take out anyone that get away from us. We taking everyone out that try anything against us. While we do that you are going to intersect any 911 calls going out about the noise. My main goal is to find Tonya and end this."
"I wanna help in another way."
"Kim you are helping in a huge way. And by doing it this way I keep you safe. So please just do this for me."
"I love you sis please come back."
"I will."
"So let's get this shit started."
No one pov
Once the plan was in place they all checked their ammo and vest and other things they had. They made sure their comms were good and they were on the same channel. Alex, Adam, Ray, Sonya and Grey all stepped out. Eric was already slowly driving to the back.
"I'm in position." Eric said
"Ready to go." Vero said
"As ready as I'm going to be." Kim said
"Ready." Everyone else said.
Alex looked over to Ray and nodded. She then popped the EMP. They heard yelling and panic. In the most of it all they turned on their night vision. Eric pointed his gun and the back door and Kim the front and then they started to shoot. Everyone else takes this distraction to an advantage and went through the windows. Alex saw Ray put down a claymore by the window then come to hers and do the same. Where the hell did he get those.
When Adam went into the window with Sonya they were immediately shot at. Adam was able to drop down. Sonya was hit in the vest and was able to shot the guy square in the forehead while Adam shot the other two in the knee caps bring them down to their knees then shooting in the head.
"You ok Sonya?"
"Yea next time call that shit. Luckily I was hit in the vest."
"Ok based on the thermo camera they are all in one room and hallway. From the front go up the stairs then turn right. From the back go up the stairs turn left. There are about ten in the hall. Then there are about ten bodies that look to be in the basement but not moving." Kim said in the comms
"We can worry about the basement later. I'm there now and there seems to be a lock in it." Alex said
Then from then corner of her eyes she caught the sight of a gun. She didn't think twice before she shot the person in both legs. She didn't shot to kill. She only wanted three people truly dead.

Family I Made
القصة القصيرةShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned