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Questions for Jess and Dave

Why yall so damn fine? Guess we just got some good genes.

Jess how do you fell about your parents? Well as for my father I find that man revolting. I hate that he is my father. As for my mother well I'm starting to dislike her as well.

Dave why did you help Alex when she was young? How could I not. I saw that she was underweight and sad. I don't think anyone deserves that. Especially at that age.

Do you guys like Tia? Well she did hurt our baby and even if it was protecting her she was still hurt. She is slowly winning us over.

How do you feel about Alex having a kid? We weren't ready to be grandparents early but she is a bundle of joy and we love having her.

💥Questions for Maple and Jerry

Not a question but yall are fucking sick. Well fuck you too

How can you do that to a child? Well since Jerry can't speak for himself......well I don't give a fuck. But I will have what I want one way or another.

🧡Questions for Rose and Thomas

How do you feel about Jessica's parents? They are just some sick people. We are glad that Jess turned out the way she did. She is amazing.

How do you feel about being great grandparents? Lee is a bundle of joy. We couldn't be happier.

💛Questions for Emily and Tyler

Why didn't you leave your husband? He would always threaten to take Tyler from me. I knew that if I ever left he would win he had a job, money, house and lawyers. I had nothing. So that is why I stayed.

Tyler so you feel that Alex is a better "dad" to you? Yes I do. She doesn't hit me or yell at me. When i do something wrong she sits me down and talk about it. She helps me when ever i need it. She is showing me how to really treat women. She is better then him in every way. Sometimes I wish she was my real dad.

Tyler why did you bully Liam? I was jealous of him. He is so smart and had more love shown to him by Alex then I had from my dad. So I bullied to make myself feel good but I don't do that anymore.

🤯Questions for Jean

Who are you? I'm Tia's worst nightmare. Let's just say I will have Alex by any means necessary. Even if that means killing someone 😉😏

💚Questions for Anika and Ben

Do you still like Tia? No, Tia is more like a sister to me now. Now that I have found Ben I'm happier than ever.

Can you please beat up Jean? Hell yes girl. 👊👊👊 imma need you to hold some things for me like my earrings, necklace and my engagement ring.  It's to damn nice to be meets up on her worthless face. Now that you got that point me to the hoe.

💔Questions for Mary

How could you do that to your daughter? It for the best..........only if I could tell her the truth but I can't.

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