Beep....beep......beep...... what is that noise. Shit I'm in the hospital again. Confused well let's go back.......
........Well well look what we have here." They say as I am looking at the gun in their hand. But that voice sounds so familiar to me.
"I need you to keep your eyes open Alex." I hear Tia say to me.
"You dumbass she wasn't the target. Now you fucked up" I hear a voice say
"Well shit to bad but we gotta get out of here before the cops come." The other voice says
"You leave imma have some fun with the little lady."
No not Tia. I hear the footsteps then I feel Tia get pulled off of me. I feel so weak but I gotta help her.
"Don't worry imma make you feel really good."
I can hear Tia saying stop and screaming. So I get the last of my strength and stand up. I see him on top of her trying to get her clothes off. I pick up a weight and hit him in the head. He is out cold. Tia grabbed the gun and ran over to me. That's is when I noticed I have been shot in the stomach twice. Just fucking great.
"Tia if I don't make it please take care of my family."
"No don't talk like that Alex."
"What the hell happened?" I hear Dave
"Dave tie him up please then get me some towels" Tia says
"Baby you are going to be ok. You are a fighter and you will fight to live."
I squeeze her hand but I feel myself getting weak. I can hear the sirens.
"No no I can't lose you just as I got you. I love you Alex." Dave says
"I love you as well Dave."
I look into Tia's eyes and it seems like she has this glow. Could it be and with that I fall into darkness.
So here we are with this annoying beeping sound. Oh how I hate hospitals. I try to open my eyes but can't. The beeping gets faster and I hear voices then all I feel is like im falling deeper im the darkness.
Tia's point of view
After Alex saved me from that man everything sorta moved in slow motion. Dave woke up and helped me but Alex was losing a lot of blood. I tried my best to stop it. When I saw her eyes roll back and felt her go limp I thought the worst. I rode with her to the hospital and Dave stayed to talk to the cops. She was taken to surgery right away.
"Tia are you ok? You have a lot of blood on you are you hurt?" On of the nurses asked me
"Its no-not my blood." I broke down crying I can't lose her. She means the world to me. And I didn't even get to tell her the news.
"Tia omg I just heard are you ok?" I heard Anika say. I just shook my head
"Well let's get you changed and did you get the chance to tell her?"
"No I didn't Anika. What if I never get that chance. She saved me Anika. Those bullets were meant for me she jumped in the way."
"That girl loves you Tia. What she did was out of love. Now let's get you changed."

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned