I give her I nod seeing as the meds are starting to work. Tia leaves the room and let me tell you that I hate to see her leave but love to watch her from behind. Damn . Then a couple walks in the room. I can't believe its................................................. .......................
It's the guy that's is my co-owner of the gym that I have. A big smile is on face.
"Hey Dave what's up?" I ask him. I meet him when I was 14 he helped me learn to fight. So when I started to fight and win money I was grateful. Then he told me about his gym and it doing bad. So I bought it and made him co-owner. He was surprised that it was me that brought it but was happy never the less. I never told him about my life and that I was in foster care. Just said I had a shitty home life.
"Hey kid, nothing much. I never knew you were in foster care?"
Before I could answer him Ms. Linda spoke.
"Wait you guys know each other?she asked along with his wife that was standing next to her with a questioning look.
He looked at me and I shook my head.
"I go to his gym and learned some things from him."
"Oh that makes since because the doctor said you had fighter knuckles. " Ms. Linda said while looking in the file writing something down.
I see his wife walk up to me and the kids cling onto me.
"Anyway my name is Jessica you can can call me Jess or anything that is appropriate."
So I raised my brow and put a smirk on my face
"So I could call you beautiful" while kissing her hand and looking at Dave.
I can hear the kids laugh and so does she once she figures out what I just did.
"Well I wouldn't mind but that big guy might." She says
"Oh you mean that big teddy bear known as Dave."
As soon as I said teddy bear Amy's head popped up and looked at him and then me. She tugged on my shirt.
"Yes princess" I said while put her hair into a ponytail seeing as it kept getting in her face.
"Fi'st thnk you. Se'ond is he relly a teddy bwar?" She asked while pointing at Dave
"While princess he does give really good hugs. And even though he may look mean he is very kind." I said while sending Dave a smile. He looked like he wanted to cry. Ok that is weird
"You want to find out."
"He pwomise not to hwurt me rwight? And you be here too?"
"Of course princess I promise to never let anyone hurt you again remember?" She nods her head. And points to Dave. I give him a head nod and he comes to the bed. Liam is still clinging to me but looking at Jess.
Once he stops in front of Amy she says "may I hawe a huwg?"
He just opens his arms and she jumps into his arms. I can't help but smile.
Liam then tugs on my hand lightly. And whispers in my ear.
"Well maybe they would like that if you told them."
Liam then takes a big breath in and says" I think that you two are very pretty." By now he is lightly blushing
"Awww" they both say and I just chuckle knowing I taught him well.
"Well your quite handsome yourself. Wouldn't you agree Ms.Linda? Jess says while pinching Liam cheeks lightly. By know he is all red.
"Browter why are you awll red? Amy asks him. Making me laugh
"Umm uh mm I don't know sissy and not funny sis."
I put my hands up in defeat not wanting to embarrass him more then he is already.
"Hey guys I need to have adult talk with them can you get your iPads and headphones?" Then nod and once I know both movies have started I start talking.
"Now listen here I love these two very much and won't let anything happen to them. If there is anything you need to say say it now."
"How come you never to me?" Dave says looking at me sad.
"What was I supposed to say Hey yea I live in foster care where I get beat every day so that I would maybe lose them no thank you. Dave you have to see that I was doing it to protect them." I say looking at the kids.
"I get that Alex I do but I see you as a daughter. I could have helped you."
"NO YOU COULDN'T. They would have let you take me and left them two. Your friend wasn't always our social worker. We had a bad one and believe me when I say she would have just gave me up and moved them. I would never forgive myself if something happened to them."
"Dave she is right they had a women that only cared about the money she would have did exactly what she just said." Ms. Linda said
"Look I may trust guys but if you hurt them one time we are gone and I won't hesitate to fight this time."
"No one is going to hurt you. We are good people" say Jess oh so many times that I have heard that. Look at me now.
Hey gals and guys. I hope that your enjoying the story. Please let me know what you think.

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned