After I woke up the doctor's did their test. To make sure I was all good to go. Once they were done they said they would send everyone in. Anika was the one nurse left.
"Here your going to need this." She said handing me a glass of water.
"Take it easy you have been out for about a week and a half. Everyone was very worried."
"Thanks Anika I needed that water and thanks for looking after me and Tia."
"Yea that girl was a whole mess when you were here. She didn't leave you for a whole week."
Just as I was about to say something the kiddos came in running.
"Sissy I miss you so much." Amy said
"Hey sis. I'm glad your ok but can you like stop getting put in the hospital." Liam said laughing and so did everyone else.
"Hey Alex I missed you." Tyler said
"Mommy mommy I want you." She said holding her arms up. I looked at Anika and she picked her up and put her on the bed where she couldn't hurt me.
She hung onto my neck with dear life. I knew that would happen. She hasn't seen Mary in so long. I looked to see all the females in the room awww at the moment. Then Jess came over to me.
"You always gotta be the hero huh? Well I'm glad your safe." She said giving me a kiss you the forehead.
"Well ma that's who I am. The life of my love ones comes first."
"Wait you called her ma sis. Are you ok?" Liam asked
"Yea my little big dude. I have called her that before. I'm starting to like this as my family."
"Good sis because I already do and if you weren't here then I would be missing a piece of myself." He said getting teary eyed.
"Come here dude" I said to him. He ran up to me and gave me a side hug because Lee was still hanging on me.
"I'm going to always be with you. Even if I'm not here physically I'm always going to look out for you. You and Amy were my first bit of family. I will never stop fighting." I told him as he cried on my shoulder.
After he calmed down he picked up Amy and sat her by my feet along with himself. Then he waved Tyler over whom gladly joined.
"You know those kids love you. I don't know how you do it." Dave said to me
"Well pops I just have that magic that can calm kids down. You know I don't know why but I am glad I can."
"Holy fuck." Dave yelled
"David language." Rose said hitting his head while the kids laughed.
"I'm sorry ma but she called me pops. I'm just so fucking happy." He said getting hit again
"I can't wait until you have our last name. Not that I don't already think and feel like your our daughter. Just this way the world will see that to." He said coming over to and kissing the top of my head."
Everyone was just talking and catching me up on somethings that went down while I was out. Like I missed the kiddos court date. They are adopted by Dave and Jess now. I hate that I missed it. I noticed that Tia was extra quiet. About a hour later Anika came back.
"Hey you have some visitors that need to speak to you."
"Ok you can send them in."
"WAIT" Tia said
"Let me talk to her real quick before you do that?" She asked Anika. Anika looked at me and I gave a nod.
"Ok but make it quick. I will try to stall."

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned