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"We have some questions for you." One of the cops says.

"Alright then. I'm ready when you are" I say to him right back. The way that he was looking at me was already telling me that he was judging me.

"Ok Mrs. Hastings says that you attacked her and she was defending herself."

Then before could say something. The social worker that I have never seen steps in. "Is there a question in there that I'm not aware of?" That's what I was about to say

I looked shocked that's the first time someone has stood up for me.

He then looks at her with a mean mug but then looks at me. "What do you have to say about that?" Just wait homeboy

I look at the nurse. "Excuse me do you know where my phone may be?"

"Hey, kid I asked you something." He yell at me scaring the little ones.

"Look lower your voice you are scaring them and if I can get my phone then I can show you what really happened." With that he looks at me shocked but stayed quite. Yea that's what I thought. He seems familiar to me but can't seen to know where.

"Yea I will go get it for you" the nurse says to me

"Wait can I get something for them to eat?"

"Yea do you know what they might like? We tired to get them to eat but they wouldn't talk to us."

"That is fine they are shy to new people. Can you get chicken nuggets with fruit and one apple juice and one cranberry juice with one jello and one pudding if that is ok?"

"That's fine sweetie I will be right back with your phone and call for the food."

Not even a minute later she came in the room with my phone and another phone in her hand. It seems like she didn't like the male cop either because she had a smirk on her face looking at him when she handed me my phone. As I was looking up the video. She was calling in the food. When she was done she started doing her thing and checking on me.

"Can you leave us?" The male cop and my old social worked said together with a stank face

"No she can stay I will need a witness of my own. One whom does not work for the city." I then turn to the other social worker no offense. She waves me off. Then I turn to the nurse "only if you dont mind?" Asking her.

"If that is what you want then yes I will stay" she says making me smile.

"Ok here is a video of what happened." I noticed that the tv was Samsung. I turned to the nurse "can you hand me my bag and may I mirror to your tv?"

She nods and gives me the beg. I take out the two iPads and kid headphone and look at the little ones.

"Ok guys I'm going to put these on you and play Coco for you Amy. I going to put on Black Panther for you Liam. Do not take them off or look up. Do you understand?"

"Yes big sis" Liam says. Making me smile

"Es sissy I wawch Coco" Amy says looking happy. Clapping her hands.

"Yes princess you do."

I put the headphone on for her make sure to turn the volume up just enough she so she can't hear but not to hurt her.

"We don't have all day here kid" the male cop says.

"Shut it Mark and let her do her thing" the female cop says. I give her a small smile. She seems ok

I look at Liam to make sure his is not up to loud. I make sure both movies are playing. Then I mirror my phone to the the tv and start the video. All heads turn to the tv.

"If you are watching this then something bad is about to happen to me. If I'm not alive or conscious then can someone please go back to the house. In my room in the closet is a hidden door I told the little ones to stay there and only to come out for me. Just say Alex say always family and they should come out."

In the video you can hear the yelling and things breaking downstairs.

"Please if I'm not here tell Amy and Liam I love them and they are my only family." Then the video show her coming in the room.

Everyone else was so engaged in the video, they didn't notice that about four doctors and two nurses with the food were in the room but I did. The nurses had the food and the doctors well I'm not to sure what they were here for. But they were also engaged in the video. Almost everyone had the looks of angry, pity, sadness, and horror in their faces. Well most except for the male cop and my old social worker.  They both had a look of fear, and a look that said "well can't say anything now" kinda of look not really sure.

I looked at the little ones to make sure they were still watching the movies and they were. I could hear the sirens in the video so I knew it was about to end.

Once the video ended I disconnected my phone.

"Excuse me do think the little ones can get the food?" I said nicely to the nurses. They both snapped out of it and handed me the food. I tapped the kids and put the trays in front of them. They began to eat.

I looked at the cops "do you have any questions?"

"Yea is that the first time she has hit you?" The female cop said

"No it's not. I have told Kerry here that but she just said I was lying."

"You knew of this and kept those kids in this home?" The new social worker said to Kerry. She was really upset.

"I thought she was lying ok and just trying it get out the house. I mean look at her she is overly fit. She could have hit back."

There were gasps though the whole room. "And what get put in another home and leave these two there to deal with her?" I said back to her.

"Yea so. You didn't even know they were your siblings so why care." She covers her mouth realizing what she said.

"So it's true they are related." The new one asked. Kerry just nodded her head.

"It's not in their file?" She asked

"I know I didn't want to have to move them so I didn't put it in there. I would have had to move them to a home where the people who wants related kids not individuals. This way I could put all three in one home and less paperwork."

One of the doctors says "Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave this room"

"Not before Mark here handcuffs her." Says the female cop

"WHAT?" The male cop and Kerry says together.

"She just admitted to child endangerment and neglect. So arrest her Mark. I am your superior if you forgot." The female cop says.

"I can't" he say

"And why is that?" The female cop says

"She is one of my two wives....................................

Hope you gals and guys likes it. Is so tell. Hope all have a good day 👋

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