Steve came in and woke everyone up. He asked to meet me in the office later. I told him sure because we needed to talk anyway. Sky has been attached to me for most of the time. Even at dinner she wanted to sit in my lap or she would sob and of course I couldn't just let her cry. So she sat on my lap at dinner and Alex sit on Anika's who was sitting next to me while Tia was on the other side of me. Rose had made a seafood boil because she was craving it. She also made Tia and myself some pot roast because Tia wanted it and I eat said I would eat with her so she didn't feel weird.
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I helped Sky with her crab legs and crawfish. Once dinner was done Sky stayed with me while I gave Lee her bath. She was talking about our Mommy/ daughter day we had the other day. She calls me mommy and daddy sometimes but I don't mind. Once I did her hair I read her and Amy a bedtime story.
"Mom?" Sky said as we were walking to her room.
"Yes sweetie."
"Never mind it's stupid."
"No question is stupid sweetie. You can ask me anything. I will not judge you."
"Ok then um um can you give me a bath?"
I didn't know what to say. I mean Sky is 13 going on 14. I didn't think she would want something like that but sniffing brought me out of my head.
"I'm sorry it was stupid."
"No, no I'm sorry for taking long to answer it just threw me off. But if that is what you want then yes. It was not a stupid question trust me."
"Yea I would like that. I was never given one as a child and I saw how happy Lee was and I just wanted something like that." She said with her head down.
"You don't have to explain the reason sweetie as long as your comfortable." I said moving her head up with my hand
I gave her a bath exactly as I did with Lee even washed her hair. After she got dressed I did her hair then I put her to bed and read her a bedtime story. Alex was in the bed with her but I also had a monitor there.
I went to my room and told them I had to meet Steve I the office. They didn't question it. I got to the office Steve was already there but he was a little. I could tell be the way he was sitting on the floor.
"Hey little dude. How are you?"
"Da_da you came. Omg thawk you." He said hugging me
"Of course now can I ask you some questions. I need to ask these question if you want me to continue to be your da_da."
"Yes I do beary much. You real pweety." He said looking down with a blush
"Aww Thank you little dude. Your quite handsome yourself."
He giggled and blushed even more. Now anyone else would have just got into the rules but I wanted to get to know him.