Hey gals and guys it's Tuggy here and a lot of things have come to my attention. I wanted to bring them out to the open and see what you thought or felt about it. One thank you for reading and voting on the story. I have a lot of ideas where I want this to go. Some of those ideas are not the nicest but I'm still thinking. One thing I wanted to ask was should I make Alex a year older? I was thinking I should so I could have a little fun with things to happen. I mean her relationship wise. The second is I was not sure how much drama I should have in the story. Yes I have many ideas but don't know. I really want to know what you all think. Please let me know I would very much appreciate it. Once again thank you guys for reading. A real update will be up soon. Till then guys and gals

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned