So within the week I have spent more time at home. I have also been teaching Liam to defend himself. Amy is talking much better and loves dance. Right now I am getting ready to pick up Liam from school. He asked them to call me instead of Jess and Dave.
Once I got up there they sent my to the principal's office. Oh shit we both might be in trouble after this. I saw Liam sitting there with a busted lip. I went straight to him.
"Lil man you ok? Tell me who I gotta beat?"
"I'm good sis. You should see the other guy." He says smiling
"My dude."
"Excuse me but you are you?" The lady behind the desk ask
"I'm his sister I was called our parents are at work couldn't come. And since I'm 18 I can."
"Oh ok you can take a sit next to him. The principal is talking to the other kid along with his parents."
So I take a sit and text my lawyer to make his way here. I just feel like things are about to get messy. He text back saying he would be here in 15 minutes.
We sat there for about ten minutes and the door opened.
"Yes you must be the sister please come in. You as well Liam."
We walk in and that kid face was messed up busted lip, eyebrow and black eye. Damn bro did good. Not the time. I also see a man and a very timid looking woman. We sit ik n the other chairs in the room.
"This is Liam's sister she will be joining see as their parents are busy."
"So today there was fight between Liam and Tyler here as you can see. I got both of their sides and others as well I just want the person whom started to take responsibility."
"Well it was his fault of course do you see his face." The man say
"No, it was Tyler's fault he came up to me while I was reading and pushed me. I tired to walk away then he punched me. I punched him back and walked away but he came at me again and I side stepped him. He fall and busted his face. Once again I tired to walk away but what he do he suckered punched me so I hit back until he fell." Liam said
"Dad that's not true he just attacked me for no reason." The Tyler kid said
"I trust my son. I want this thing suspended." The man said
"What do you think Ma'am?" I asked the woman figuring that was the mom.
"She has nothing to say" the man said hold her thigh hard. She shock her head and let out a soft cry."
"Mr. White would you please stop." The principal said referring to his hand. The man looked at me then the principal and removed his hand. The woman looked relieved.
"Now since Tyler doesn't want to come clean I guess I will just pull up the footage from the camera."
At that you could see Tyler stiffen up and look at halos dad with fear in his eyes. Once it started you could see that everything Liam said was true.
"So with that Tyler will be suspen...." before he could finish the woman spoke up.
"Please no. Anything but that. He needs his education please don't." She said almost as she was begging.
"I'm sorry Mrs. White but in this....." I interrupted him this time
"Look Mr. Wood there is not bad damage done he. Liam is ok and not badly hurt. If anything the only one hurt is Tyler and his ego. Suspension is not needed."

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned