Once Adam said that everyone was looking at me surprised, except for Emily
"What do you mean siblings?" Jess asked
Emily gave me a look. I knew what she was trying to tell me. I just didn't want to do it like this.
"Ok well a few months back I received a call from by birth mother. She wanted to get clean. Since I didn't know who she was or what she looked like I had DNA test done. She was telling me the truth. Before you ask yes I did ask her who my birth father was but she would never tell me or avoid the question."
Jess and Dave gave me a sad smile and I knew what had been going on in their mind.
"Trust me I still wanna be your daughter Ma and Pops." After hearing that they hugged me.
"But back to the story a few weeks ago she just up and left. She was already almost nine months pregnant. Then about a week ago I found out that she put the babies in the system. I was working to get them out and under Jess and Dave's care. They were under witness protection because she said our "father" was threatening to kill them."
I looked at everyone and I knew I would have to explain more but now was not the time.
"Look I would explain all this once we have the twins back but right now we need to go."
Adam led me to a police vehicle and told the others to stay. Tia, Kim and Jess came along with me. Adam tired to put a wire on me but I said no and looked at kim she put the camera on my necklace and you couldn't even see it.
We got to the house in ten minutes. The beauty of a siren. We saw cops and agents everywhere. They wanted to give me a gun but that would be stupid because I knew she would search me. They called and said I was here and she said to bring me in. I took the phone.
"You have put my family though enough. Those babies didn't do anything. The only way I am coming in there is you send the babies out here."
"You are in no place to make demands."
"Oh but I am. You see the only thing stopping them from coming in and killing you is me and those kids. And I know how much you want me. So, we do the trade at the same time. If you get nothing."
"Fuck you." Then she hung up. The chief and director started to yell at me but I knew she would call back. Thirty seconds later the phone rang.
"So do you agree." I asked
"Fine we can do it your way. Meet at the front in three minutes."
After she hung up they trying to tell me what to say and not to say. I was just looking at Tia. This is the love of my life and she is carring my child. I just hope that I will be able to see her grow and my child born. Adam must have known that look because he came up to me.
"I know what you are doing . I need you to stop that. If you go in there with this mindset then that is what you will get."
"I know I just hate doing this to her. She means so much to me you know."
"Yea and that's why you must not think like that."
"Ok let's do this. Remember get the kids to Jess and Tia please. I will worry about me."
Kim walked over to me and hugged me.
"Man I just got you back."
"I know but I ain't going no where. Stay strong for me."
I could feel her nodding on my shoulder. We let go and I gave Jess a hug. Then Tia came up and pulled me into a passionate kiss.
"Come back to me les yeux."

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned