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I went in the kitchen and just made a sandwich for Liam and myself. It was a turkey sandwich with all the fixing. I also made Amy a simple ham and cheese sandwich, she hates turkey. I looked around for some chips. When I found them I just ended up getting doritos because the others didn't look good.

Once done I called for Liam

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Once done I called for Liam. I knew Amy would follow him not wanting to be alone.

"Sissy I hunwery too." Amy said

"I knew you would princess so I made you one too. Just how you like it." I said placing her in the chair and kissing her forehead.

"Here you are my big little dude. Just like mine, so you can be big and strong."

"Yep I want to be just like you sis. I want to protect little sis like you do."

"Well right now just worry about being a kid. For me ok?" I told him back. He just nodded and starting to eat. I saw some juice in the fridge so I went back to look. I saw the had juice boxes. I got one for Liam and Amy and got myself a bottle of water. Went back to eat.

Once we were done we went back into the living room where everyone still was. Damnit I was hoping they were gone.......well at least Jess parents. We sat on the loveseat that was open with Amy on my lap.

"Well why don't you tell us a out you guys a little?" I heard Rose ask

"Well what do you want to know?" I said back with a smile. She looked interested in us and that's new. It was nice.

"How about what you guys like to do?"

"Well that is a hard one for me because of being in the system for so long you start to only think about survival not fun. So we will come back to me." I said everyone face but Jerry's was sad and showed pity. His showed lust and desire. Imma have to watch out for him. Can't trust him with the kids alone. I will let them know later.

I looked to Liam to see if he would talk. He just gave me puppy eyes. He was never fond of speaking out loud to people he didn't know. Especially adults.

"As for Liam here he loves to play games, read, and loves being outside. If he could live outside he would." I sad while chucking at the last part. Liam slightly shoved me with made me laugh and Amy giggle. Next I looked to Amy she just gave me the same eyes. I just sighed and turned back to the adults.

"This princess right here. She loves to color, play dolls, and play outside. She is mostly a happy go lucky kid once you can earn her trust. She is my little princess." I told them. Amy hugged me while giggling.

"Back to me well the only thing I enjoy is fighting. Not fighting people on the street but in the ring. Dave can tell you that. Other then that never really had any other interest except for women." I said. I knew it would be a risk of telling them I'm gay but I needed that to be out. I will soon tell them about not so mini me. Both Amy and Liam knew about it because sometimes in the old house she would throw hot water one me. While trying to throw it on them but I never let that happen. One time the impression was showing and Amy asked why mines looks like Liam and not hers. I sat them both down and explained the best I could. Even though Amy didn't get it fully, I know Liam did. I made them promise not to tell anyone especially adults.

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