At that point I just put my head down.
"She won't let anyone come near her if you won't come back."
"I don't know what yall want me to do. Just knock her out and get my baby."
"We can't she is threatening the child."
I just got up and followed him. He took us deeper in the prison to the point we were in the hospital part. As we got closer we could hear the yelling. We walked in and I saw Jean holding a sharp object to her belly.
"I knew you would come back. Look just give me one last kiss and I will let you go and the baby."
"Ok but first imma need you to put that down. I will give you that kiss but I gotta look out for myself."
"No, then the guards will just come at me."
"They won't. That is my child in trouble. I promise they won't but please just put it down."
She thought about it for a minute and began to lower the weapon. I started to walk towards her. Once I was in front of her I put my hand on her belly.
"Thank you for keeping my child safe. Now you promise after this kiss you will deliver my child and stay out of our lives?"
"Yes I promise"
I could feel her hand on my neck but the other one was in her pocket. As I leaned forward I bought my other hand to hold her arm steady that was in her pocket. All while bringing my hand from her belly up to her shoulder and neck. Then I struck her Vagus nerve and she was out. I caught her and saw what was in her hand another weapon.
I looked to the doctor's and nurses.
"Get my baby out of her now."With that she was taken in a helicopter and I rode with. See the thing is Jean had to sign her rights over to me, so I would visit her. They gave me some strubs and I waited as the did a c-section. They said they had the baby but I didn't hear crying. I let the doctors do what they had to. Then they told me they needed me to come with them to the icu.
Once out the room I was told to lose the shrubs and was given new ones once I reached icu peds. They were working on the little one. Then I heard a small cry. I was washed with relief but only for a second.
"Were losing him, someone call respiratory down here right away. His lungs are giving out."
With that I felt my eyes start to water. One of the nurses sat me down in a chair in the room. I was told I have to stay in here just in case. I could see them working on him frantically. About ten minutes later a doctor walks up to me.
"Well we have him stabilized. His lung are underdeveloped, which they shouldn't be unless the mother was taking something. We already took some blood to get the test done for that. Right now he is being put in a incubator. Congrats on your new son. You will be able to see him once the nurses are done."
He walked away and the tears started to flow. I'm not sure if it was just happy tears or whatever but I couldn't get them to stop. About two minutes later a nurse came to me.
"Ok first I need you to relax and stop crying. Your son is ok and waiting for you to meet him."
I wiped my face and followed her. He looked so little, it was almost like he was only six months old still in the tummy. I looked at him all wired up and everything. It made my heartbreak. I sat there for about thirty minutes just looking at him. The doctor from before came back.
"Im sorry but it seems that the mother was taking several drugs that might have killed him if he was born today. We are doing everything we can to get that out of his system. As long as he fights then we are looking great."
"Thank you."
With that they left. I looked at him and walked to where I knew Steve was. When I got out there Tia was sitting next to him. They all saw me and I just went into Tia's arms and cried. She said comforting things and rubbed my back.
"Why did she have to do that to an innocent child? She could have killed my son. Why is she so evil? Why me? I don't want to hurt anymore."
"Baby don't talk like that. Your a strong black young woman. You are taking care of your family in ways I could only imagine. You are everything to your kids. You are an amazing sister. You are an amazing lover and wife. Please don't speak like that mon amour. You are more then you know."
I couldn't respond to her I am emotionally and physically exhausted.
"Can we go home? I will come back tomorrow."
"Of course. Steve can you help she looks like she is about to passout."
Steve helped me in the car and Tia held me. I was crying. I would do anything to help my son survive. My head was in Tia's neck. She calms me and brings me back to earth. We got back to the house and I felt so drained. Steve picked me up and took me to the room. The last thing I remember was someone saying I was going to be ok.
Hey Guys and Gals
I knownits a short one but wanted to het something out there. I hope yall are doing good. Thank you for supporting me.Tuggy

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned