Still Tia's point of view
After sitting there and crying for five minutes I got up went to the bathroom and fixed myself. Once I was done I went back out.
"We should really order something to eat?" Everyone that was awake agreed. We ended up ordering pizza for the kids and the adults had subs. Now we just had to wait.
"Why do you think Alex didn't tell us about the twins?" Jess asked.
"She knew how much you wanted a baby Jess and she was going to do whatever she could to get you that baby. She never trusted Tina so she was talking to Ms. Linda about the kids. They had already started the process of the adoption in your name. They were just waiting to Tina. Once she found out and they were placed in the system the paper work was in. Ms. Linda found the a temporary place while a judge approved. A judge approved on the day of the kidnapping. She was texting me while in the car with you guys to get the paperwork and stuff. She wanted her siblings to have a better life then her and she knew you two could give them that." Emily said.
Jess was crying and couldn't stop. Dave was comforting her.
"I can't believe she did that for us." Jess said crying.
"She does have a big heart." Emily said chuckling
While they were talking about Alex and the twins I zoned off while looking at Alex. I was just thinking about having a family with her. Thinking about having more kids with her. We haven't told the rest of them yet. Then I felt a hand on me that made me jump a little. There was Lee wiping her eyes still sleepy.
"Mama can you hold me please?"
"Of course baby." Then I picked her up.
"Mama is mommy going to wake up soon."
"I hope so baby."
She put her head on my shoulder and I knew she was going to sleep. So I rocked her to sleep. Everyone ended up staying the night because none of the kids wanted to leave her. Throughout the night she was given more antibiotics which was worrying me. I decided I should try to get some sleep.
It was about 10 am when I woke up. Everyone was awake eating or talking but Alex. The doctor came in.
"We have giving Alex a battery of antibiotics. Now all we have to do is wait for about three hours then I will come in and check the leg and take blood from it."
"Sweetie we are going to take the kids home to change and shower and what not. We will bring you something ok. If anything changes please let us kniw." Jess said
"Of course" I said back too her.
"But I don't wanna leawve mama and mommy" Lee said crying and her words slurring. I picked her up and hugged her.
"Babygirl your not leaving forever you coming right back. You wanna look nice and smell clean when mommy wake up right?" She nodded her head on my shoulder.
"So your going to go home and wash up and change. Then your going to pick an outfit for me ok." She picked her head up at he last thing I said and smiled.
"Really mama?"
"Yes babygirl as long as you wash up and be good. Jess will take you to my room and you can pick for me."
"Ok mama I be a good big girl like Amy. Is it ok if Amy help me pick out your clothes?"
"Of course baby I wouldn't want anyone other then my babygirl and princess to help me out."
"Ok mama I love you." She then kissed my cheek and went to Amy and held her hand.
"I love you babygirl."

Family I Made
KurzgeschichtenShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned