Once everyone saw who it was Tia started to cry.
"How could she do this to us? Dad did you know about this?"
"I swear I knew nothing about this. Hunny we haven't been together for a year now. I told you she was different." He said side hugging her.
There was a moment of silence and everyone just looked sad for Tia and Erin but angry at Lisa.
"So I am about to got to see who has the bear now." I told them. Everyone nodded their head
Once I got to the footage you could see four people. I turned the audio up so we could hear what was going on.
"What the hell happen back there. Are you sure the damn camera is off?" Mr.White said. Then another guy whom I soon recognized as Mark the cop that was or still is married to my old social worker.
"Yea I'm fucking sure I turned it off my damn self. Maybe one of you are a damn snitch." He yelled at White
"Look I'm done taking shit from you." White said
"Enough you damn fools. First off you weren't supposed to shot her White. Second I run this shit and never forget it." The other woman said.
The voice was so familiar to me. Then a thought came in my mind. She wouldn't. I looked at Jess and noticed her sad eyes. She had come to the same conclusion. Looking back at the TV the woman started to walk towards the bear. When she looked into the face. At that point it was clear. You could hear Jessica's sobs and Dave just held her. Back to the camera Maple ripped out the camera in the eyes but there was a third on buried in the fur of the bear but still showed a great picture.
"Now we know the camera is off. Get the fucking videos off. Now Lisa I am sure you remember our deal right. As long as you bring me Alex I won't kill your daughters. Even though the older one has had what is mine I will let it pass. I will also erase all the videos of you having an affair with your husband's brother. You do as I say and when I say."
Lisa only nodded her head to say she understood. Then the sat back down to discuss how to kidnap me. Mark stared to get frustrated because he couldn't get the video be cause of my firewall.
"Shit this girl is smart. Hey. I can't get into it without the password. The firewall is incredibly good. Everything that I have tried fails." He said talking to them
"Well this is where you come in Lisa call your husband and get the password. Make it sound credible." Maple said
I quickly downloaded everything I had and sent it to one of my servers. I made sure that everything that was recorded beyond this point was sent to that server alone. Adam was asking Lisa where she was and when she would be back but she was very concerned about the password only. He told her I was sleeping and the doctor told them to let me rest. After that she hung up.
"He can't get it right now. She is sleep and the doctor said she need rest so not to wake her." She told Maple
"Well that just won't work. How about I call one of my men to take out that little girl of yours." Maple said getting her phone out
"No no please I will try again. Just wait please."
"Adam you can tell her. Everything is backed up on a safe server. The password is Limy."
Tia looked at me with this look I couldn't understand.
"Nothing I think it's cute that your password is your siblings. You are so sweet you know that."
A second later Lisa called Adam made some excuse up but didn't go too in depth with it. He told her the password and she hung up. You could see her on the monitor run and tell them the password once it worked Mark went to work deleting all of the videos he wanted including the ones for my fosters case but he couldn't see the one server I had.
Before he deleted them he would send them to another server that was registered to him. I followed it and got into it with ease. The things we saw were disgusting and horrible.
Once he was done he put the bear back in the bag but left it open. We could here their plan. Lee and Amy stared to wake up so I turned it off the tv and gave the laptop to Adam with headphones. I didn't want them to hear any of it.
My family stayed for about two more hours then went home. I told them to be safe. Tia was moved to my room for safety reasons and to keep her calm. Adam said he had three cars on my family house so they where going to be safe. He also had four guards at our door.
Even though Tia had her own bed she came in mine. Erin went to my house with Liam. Once Tua got comfortable she started to cry.
"I don't know what I would do is I lost you." She said
"No matter what happens to me I will always find my way back to you and my family." I said kissing her forehead.
"My mom is coming after you baby. I don't want to lose you or my sister. What are we going to do?" She said putting her face deeper into my neck.
"You let me worry about that ok. We can't have you worring now can we?"
She didn't say anything else just cried herself to sleep. She as been sleep for about and hour now. Then someone comes through the door. Its Adam
"They should have know that she was going to sleep with you." He said chuckling
"Look Adam what I'm about to tell you is something that is my decision and mines only." I put Tia in my headphones just in case.
"If she comes to get me let her. And before you say no Listen. I can't be the reason something happens to either of your daughters. I love Tia so much and would hate to hurt her. I know by me leaving I will hurt her but if something were to happen to her sister her world would be shattered. Look I'm not scared ok. Anything they do to me isn't something I have already experienced."
"That is very noble and brave of you Alex but I can't let you do that. You are injured how can you defend yourself? I can't......I just can't." He said with tears coming out his eyes
"With all due respect sir I wasn't asking for permission. I was just letting you know. I have wrote letters to everyone explaining why. I will do anything to keep them safe plus I don't plan on saying there long. I have a plan and it involves you."
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I don't want to but I refuse to let someone get hurt because of me. You just have to promise to look after my family. Especially Emily and Tyler they are going to need extra protection but as well as your daughters. I will be ok."
"Ok I promise. Alex what's your plan?"
"Glad your onboard. This is how it's going to go............"
Hey Gal and Guys
I hope you enjoyed reading this. I hope it was up to par. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to do so. Special thanks to natsuki-sochi and terrilim85 for commenting I really appreciate it. When it comes to updating I do have a number in mind when it comes to votes if I update early or not. It will be the same number for the rest to the chapters but I won't tell yall. Thank again for reading.Tug

Family I Made
Short StoryShe just wanted a family. She just wanted to be accepted. Well let's see what fate has planned