I ended up waking up to Tia on my chest and both of us naked. Which I didn't mind at all. I saw that it was dark out. I got up and went to the room with our thing saw that it was only 8 which means I was only sleep for about an hour. Let's just say we might have continued our activities until Tia passout from an orgasm. I took a quick shower and decided to cook dinner before we left. I wanted to make it special. I set up a table on the deck. I made grill steak and shrimp with asparagus on the side I had some wine and water. I put the food in the oven on low and went to wake up my queen.
"My queen it's time to get up" I said kissing her face.
"Baby I'm tired."
"I cooked dinner." When I said that she ait right up and tried to get out of bed. Key word tried.
"Baby I can't feel my legs can you help me." She asked on the floor. I went to get her a robe to wrap her in because I would be drawing her a bath later. I wrapped her up and carried her to the deck where I set everything up.
"Les Leux this is beautiful. Why do you treat me so good? What did I do to deserve this?" She said with tears running down her eyes
"Mon Amour you captured my heart is what you did. You deserve this and more and I'm going to be the one to give that to you." I kissed her forehead and put her in the chair. Once I poured her a glass of wine I went to plate the food.
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"That looks so good. You keep coming like this for me I might just take you and make you stay with me forever. "
"It would be my pleasure my queen."
We sat and ate. We talked about some things and family. After I told her to wait while I did something. I made her a bath and placed strawberry and wine on the side of the tub. I went and picked her up since she couldn't walk. She gasped when she first saw it. I took off the robe and put her in. I was about to sit on the chair until she said something.
"What are you doing? You have to get in with me to make this perfect." I didn't want to get because it wasn't part of my plan but I couldn't say no to her. So I got undress and got in behind her.
"You know les yeux you are perfect. I know your going to say your not but you are." She said playing with my fingers.
While we talked and ate strawberries with wine. We mostly touched eachother but not in a sexual way. It was more of I wanted to know your body way. I couldn't hold it any longer and wanted to ask. I think she noticed something was wrong.
"Baby are you ok? I have been calling you for about two minutes now. What's going on in that head of yours?"
"Sorry I just lost focus for a little. Don't worry nothing is wrong but I do have something to as you."
"Anything les yeux anything." She said as she turned around on my lap now facing me. I could tell she still had pain because she winced. I gave a sad smile. I didn't want to put her in pain.