Attn: some might find this to triggering. If so I do apologize. There will be some sexual assault and violence. I am sorry
I woke feeling a cold shivers down my body. I don't feel warm bodies around me so iknow the kids must have left. I feel like there is something I forgot to do and I now know what is was. I forgot to lock my door. I turn my head and notice that it is 2. Shit I need to get ready. I get off the bed and notice that someone is here.
"What the fuck are you doing in my room?"
"To give you a real gift."
"Get the fuck out of it won't be pretty."
He starts taking off is pants.
"I'm going to give you this and your going to love it."
I get in a fighter stance. Fuck this sick fuck imma about to beat his ass. He comes running to me I drop kick him in the stomach.
"You bitch."
He runs and tackles me on the floor and grips my stab wound. I yell out in pain but he covers my mouth.
"Yea bitch you forgot about tha but I didn't. Now your going to get it."
His hand grab by breast. And he gropes me. I'm waiting for the pain to pass. Once it does I head butt him in the head and turn over and pound his face. I can here Dave trying to get in the room. Sick fuck must have locked it. I feel myself being pulled off of him.
"You bitch what did you do to my husband?"
I notice I'm in Dave's and Jessica arms . I calm down feeling safe.
"Your husband tried to rape me."
"No he wouldn't."
"Then tell me why his dick is out. Why he locked the door. And why he didn't open the door when he heard yall there?"
"What cat got your tongue?"
"Jerry why would you do something like that." Maple says
"Baby she came on to me. I promise I was trying to get away."
"She is gay you son of a bitch. I can't believe that you are my father." Jess says crying
"Omg sis your bleeding." I here Liam say
"He gripped it and squeezed it. I didn't know it was bleeding. I'm ok buddy I promise you."
"Should we call Tia?" Rose asks me
"That's better then a hospital."
"Sorry sweetie I called the cops and an ambulance is on the way." I hear Thomas say
"Its ok. I don't know if I want her to see me like this." I look down and notice not only am I bleeding but my shirt is ripped and my bra is up. I pull my bra down. Look over to see Jess trying to calm down Dave from killing Jerry.
"I don't care. I wanna kill him he put his hands on my daughter."
I look at him in shock. He called me his daughter. I shake it off and limp my way to him. Shit must have sprung my ankle when he tackled me. Fuck hope I dont have another cast. I slowly walk up to him and put my hand on him.
"I'm ok. You got here in time. I need you to calm down you are scaring Amy. She needs you. Liam will need you as well he won't say it but he does."
He smiles at me and goes to pick up Amy. She jumps in his arms crying. I give Jess a look to tell her to go to Liam. She does and once she does he jumps in her arms crying. He is always sencetive to seeing me hurt. I can hear the sirens. I'm starting to feel dizzy. I see Thomas holding down Jerry and Maple crying.
I sit down and see the cops and paramedics come in the room. I see their lips moving but can't hear them. The only thing on my mind is Tia. Next thing I know I see blackness.
Was going to end it there but what the hell. Enjoy
I woke up to hear voices. I hear beeping so I know I'm in the hospital. Just fucking great. I really wanted to spend the day with Tia. I feel a hand in mine and two bodies on me as well. I squeeze the hand.
"Thank God your ok I was so worried. Please open your eyes."
I open my eyes with knowing who voice that is. Damn
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"Your beautiful." I say to her. Even though my voice is raspy.
"Really that's the first thing you say les yeux?" She gives me some water.
"Well yea. There is a goddess in front of me. You look amazing. Sorry you had to see me like this."
"I don't care how I see you as long as I do and your alive of course." She says back.
I look down to see the kids on me sleep. Then I look around.
"They are dealing with the cops. Loam told them about the camara that you have and showed them where it was. Ms. Linda is with them. I don't think she is blaming them but it's her job for the little ones. I'm sorry you can't get your birthday gift until your healed again."
"Dammit. Can you tell me."
"Nope." She says while popping the "p".
"How bad is it really." I ask her wanting to know the real thing.
"Its not good les yeux. He reopened it all the way. You must have had a small bit still healing and once he did that the new skin was to weak and opened up."
"What does that mean London?"
"You will have bed rest again and then no heavy lifting and exercise."
"This is so unfair. I just got the ok to go back to the gym."
"I know just calm down and know I'm going to be ther every step of the way."
We start leaning in...........................................................................................................................................
Then I sheet moves and in comes the doctor and Dave and Jess. Can't I catch a breakI just want to kiss her already. Fuck.
"Sorry are we interrupting something?" The doctor ask
We say at the same time I give her a playful glare and she just blushes.
"Well my apologies or not. But you young lady are a fighter that's for sure. You can go home in a couple off hours we are just waiting to get some results back. Other than that take it easy. I'm sure Ms. Wilson will take care of that."
I turn to see Tia blushing and looking down.
"While thanks doc and I'm sure your right." I say and give Tia a wink. She shoves me to the side a little. I kiss Amy and Liam on the head and look around. Damn this has been on hell of a birthday.
Attn: Thank you gals and guys for reading . Once again sorry for those you I may have triggered. Please let me know what yall think and might want to see. Sorry for all the grammar issues and spelling.