Chapter 1

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So I'm doing rewrites! Sorry if it seems bad, but I tried. Here ya go! It's short, too.

A blaring- annoying- noise rang through the walls, the thin- thin- walls. "Garroth shut it off!"

"Only if you're genuinely up," The older blonde teased his younger sister. He did as asked though and pressed down on the button on his alarm clock. Here lately, the home had an edge- a Sense of tension. Their mother, as sweet as could be, happened to speak less of their father; it's like he didn't even exist.

"GarGar! Zuzu! Pea! Aph! Breakfast is ready!" At the call of their mother, one by one, The children make their way down to the table- Zane being the last to join them (despite Aphmau being the heaviest sleeper). "Zuzu, how long were you up last night? You look  exhausted!"

"I'm fine," He sighed, tugging his mask, "I just look this way."

"Aww, Zane, you don't have to be so closed with ussss~ it's okay~," Aph cooed and Vylad just smiled nodding, "we love you, edgyyy."

"You guys are sickening." Garroth fake gagged and took a plate of food from the counter. "Thanks, Mummy."

"My treat, GarGar!" Zianna clutched her side in pain, but tried not to make it obvious to the teenagers. "Eat up, Kids. School starts in twenty."

"Okay, Mom," Vylad grabbed two plates, and handed one to Aph sharing a small thanks and then moving to his seat to eat. Garroth sat on the left of the table, Zane on his right, Vylad in front of Zane and Aph on His right. The kids ate in silence and left after a quick goodbye.

As they walked to school, Aph let the skirt in her uniform hit her knees as they passed the fences. "So..."

"Am I the only one who feels queasy?" Vylad asked. "It's..Just a little weird."

"Maybe your nervous? It's been a while since we've been at school," Aphmau poked, her jacket hung lazily over her body and her school bag closely pressed to her chest, "I'm nervous so if you are it's okay."

"I don't know." He mumbled. He watched as the gates grew nearer and his stomach began to turn. "I need something- a trash bag? I don't know-"

"Vylad calm down."

"Nope! I can't! I can't!"

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