Chapter 15

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Vylad stuck his tongue out when Travis pecked Zane's cheek. It's gross! Love is disgusting! He didn't like how everyone else was happy. Garroth had Laurence, and they were boyfriends, er, something- Aphmau had Katelyn- and Zane was definitely 'starting' to like Travis. That just left Vylad. Seventh wheel. Brunette without a babe. Or non-platonic bro. Or Just a Joyfriend/Theyfriend/fucking forgot the last one! But nooooooo! He haaaaad to be alone. Love was overrated to him. Seemed stupid- useless! Who needs that?

"Vylad? How do you feel about Visiting Garroth at work?"

"Nah," He shouted, face first into his pillows, "I have to tutor this kid.."

"Ah, your Dante's Tutor?" Laurence laughed and a bony ass elbow hit his stomach. "Hah-have fun!"

"Laurence, shut up!" A feminine voice hissed- Ah, its Aph. "Try and get something to his dumb brain- Were gonna go bug Garroth. Love you."

"Love you too," He sighed, picking up the Chemistry textbook and a math book, "have a nice time."


The front door swings open and I give him a strange look, "Travis?"

"Oh hey Vylad- wait, you're Dante's tutor?"

"Mhm," I hummed, showing the obvious textbooks in my arms to the dumbass, "Why are you here?"

"He's my roommate." I let out some noise of understanding and he let me inside. "Dante! Smart Ro'Meave is here for you!"

"Cool," The teenager popped his head from his room and smiled- what the fuck?

"Uh, Little- something, falling down your chin, Vylad." I move my arm to wipe it- fuck what the hell? Why did I start drooling? What the helllll?? "You okay- you look hella confused despite me saying that you were smart which is implying that you know a lot then why would you be confused-"

"Travis what the fuck did you just say?" A weird ass stepping-stomping noise filled the house as the Blue haired teenager stomped down the stairs.

"No fucking clue but-"

"And I'm taking youuu," Dante pulled me into the living room- and of course I had to make a fucking fool of myself and trip over the Fucking Carpet when he let go of my arm. He laughed for a minute before sticking his hand out, holy hell did I just hear angels? No- was it an angel's laugh? "Are you okay?"

I quickly got up, placing the (50) 4-5 pound book on the table and sitting down wiping my hands on my pants as if they were dusty. How why did it get so hot all of a sudden?! As I mentally started dying, he sat next to me; Book and notebook in hand. I took a deep breath and tried to make the heat that fell over my face disappear and focus on my task, "So whats you main problem?"


"O-Oh," I moved my hands to (awkwardly) pic up the textbook and start in section one chapter one. "Okay so, Have you  read any of this?"

"Nope." Oh boy..

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