Chapter 5

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A/N: Yes, moving fast here, I just need it done.

Garroth sighed and as the woman opened the middle roomed door. There was two bedrooms, two baths and it was fully furnished. "Now, I apologize, but I'm going to need a monthly rent, about thirty dollars. And I understand that may be hard because of your backgrounds, but it's the only way I can let you stay."

"I understand," the boy nodded, and shook the woman's hand. She handed him a key and she left with a goodbye. "Okay, Vylad if you and Aph want a room, me and Zane can take this one.."

The kids shrugged and he grabbed their things, taking them to the room. There was a bed in the left corner and a couch in the right. Aph stepped in and put her bag on the bed, seeing as Vylad had face planted on the couch. There was silence across the board and she laid down in peace, a TV set across the way from the bed. "I want to go clothes shopping after I get the money.. okay?"

A nod came from the two in the room and Garroth walked to Zane. He was on the couch in the downstairs living room. Living-Kitchen? Something like that. He sat down beside the 16 year old, hands folded, eyes watering, "Zane.. I'm so so-sorry."

"Wh..what?" He whispered, Zane looked at his brother in disbelief. "What the fuck did you do?"

"It's just.." He mumbled. "I fe-Feel like it's my fa-Fault."

"Did you do it?"


"Did you kill our mom, Garroth."

"No.." Garroth's head fell into his hands and Zane looked out the window.

"Then don't feel sorry, your saving us. Taking care of us," he leaned on Garroth, though it felt uncomfortable for them both, it was sort of comforting. "You're fine, and it's gonna be okay."

"I just.."

"You need take a breath," Zane smirked, and oddly it was visible his mask was off. Freckles visible and glowing in the windows reflection, his eye slightly shown too, "it's okay to be venerable, and emotional." Garroth nodded and smiled at his brother, thick glossy tears falling down his face, as he resaw her there lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He imagined the disgusting look on his fathers face, and a sour and sorrowful frown grew on his face.

Zane knew what he was doing and decided to let him have it. Garroth was a normally happy person. Never showed weakness. He felt horrible, his older brother never thought that way, and this possibly hit him like a truck. Three days in a police station and they finally got to go to the apartments, unfortunately they were still in their school uniforms and weren't allowed to grab any clothes. The police told them they all started the new school in- what is now 3- days.

"I miss her, Zane," The older whimpered, wiping his face, "I miss her so-so fuh-fucking much."

"We all do, Garroth," He muttered patting his brothers head. "You have to work Monday though, I'm starting next week."

"I hate this.."

"I do, too. Trust me, I do too.."

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