Chapter 20

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"Hello?" The eldest's voice came off rather rough. Heh, rough. His face was fucking blank, he was sore and tired.

"Garroth Ro'Meave?"


"Garte Ro'Meave was taken into custody his finger prints were found on your mother's prescription bottles, he was found guilty of first degree murder," The detective's words made Garroth's face fall to one of shock. Laurence sat up, slightly concerned. "You and your siblings are meant to come to the trial. It's in three days."

"O-Okay, We'll be there.." The call ended and he fell back smiling.

"You'll be where?"

"My dad's trial," the boy giggled, leaning on his boyfriend's chest, "he got arrested for fingerprints on my mom's prescription pills."

"Wasn't he trying to get out of the house when the cops caught him?" Garroth nodded, "And they needed prints to prove it?" Garroth stayed silent for a moment, that did seem strange.

"Laur, who cares? He's going," He sighed feeling the others chin on his head, "that's all we need."

"Okay Well.."

"Oh god shut up!" He laughed and placed his lips on Laurence's who smirked in victory.


"We find the Defendant, Garte Ro'Meave, Guilty of first degree murder," The Judge announced, starting straight into Garte's eyes, "You're sentenced to life in prison, with no chance of parole."


(I know that part wasn't long but I really really want to add this part!)


"Boys, Aphmau," The Man smiled sickly, "how have you all been?"

"We've been fine," Vylad forced a smile, holding Garroth's arm down. The restraining order had been taken off him. "How have you been, Dad?"

"I've been fine, Vylad," He said the words coldly. Back to his normal self. "Do we have a problem, Garroth?"

"No." His teeth were gritted, and his hands locked together. He was absolutely feeling... homicidal.

"Gar, calm down, Laurence is outsides, okay?" Aph whispered, "do you want me to get him?"

He inhaled sharply, moving his foot in an uncomfortable manor, "yeah.."

So she left and a silence fell over the room, she opened the door again a minute later and Laurence stepped in. Garroth's sour face turned into an uncomfortable smile. Not exactly how you expect your boyfriend and your Dad to meet without you beating the shit out of your Father.

He sat down with them and slipped his hand into the blonde's sending him a soft smile, "it's okay."

"Mhm," He sighed out squeezing lightly on the other males hand, "So how has-"



"I didn't know I've raised all faggots."

Garroth Froze at the word. It rang. His dad had never- said it. Ever, why- was it because mom was gone?

"What did you call us?" Zane hissed and Vylad grabbed his sister. "Say it again, Papa."

"You're all faggots and she's a dyke, huh?!" The man shot up, he was screaming and Vylad gripped her shoulders.

A harsh slapping noise sounded and echoed in the small room. Zane had a pissed look on his face and Garroth a sweet as Garte held a surprised look. For once, Laurence looked proud of Zane. The pale boy, slapped a murderer. "Do it again father, I dare you."

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