Chapter 21 (the end of it all)

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"This," the blonde patted his daughters head, "is grandma."

The small girl smiled and sat down in front of the grave a smile on her face, "Hi grandma!"

Laurence sat down with his two blondies and waved as his own hello, they all sat there. Ellie was talking passionately to Zianna like she was there, and she was. Listening to every word. Staring into her granddaughter's light blue eyes, as they stared back. She giggled, "I really really like Chocolate cake, But Dad and Papa think it's weird so we only have white in the house."

"Okay, Els, we've gotta go," Garroth heaved the girl up on his shoulders as his husband, "Jackie's party."

"Oh! Right! Bye bye Grandma!" Her left arm wrapped around Garroth's head, "Let's go see, Jackie!"


"Happy birthday, Jackie!" The girl handed her cousin over to a present. Seven year olds don't know what it's like to be a thirty (or late twenties) year old man and have to try and keep up with them. "Open this!"



"Fine," Jackie sat on Vylad's knee and opened the paper, opening a box as well. "What..?"

Garroth smiled as Vylad looked up, holding the gift in his hands. "I-Is this-"

Laurence nodded hands intertwined with Garroth's. In Vylad's hand, was a photo album, their mother in every photo up until page 65. Then, pictures of all of their parents were in the photos, including Travis and Zane. They were currently..

Doing something.



So they told it, the stories. The pains. The happiest moments. The worst ones.

Left their kids speechless.

And now, you know the stories of the runaways.


I hope you enjoyed, I didn't really know what to put for the last chapter, so... here! Have a nice day/night/evening!

Bye Girls, Boys, and Nonbinary people who ain't toys!

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