Chapter 7

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Ah, every teenagers hell, begins with a bell. And unfortunately, our four new students, were anxious about their public school. Well, excited and scared. Aphmau was in jeans and a T-shirt for once, Garroth had tips after a hard day at work, He also discovered 379.45 dollars in his checking account from their Mom. The day before, Aph and Vylad took a trip to see Sylvana, Zane read a book he'd found at Walmart, and Garroth waited on tables. Though it seemed kinda sad, they all felt kind of normal.

They walked to the school which wasn't actually too far from the school. They could use the jog, too. When they saw the place Vylad smiled in awe, and Aph jumped up excitement flooding her system. "Gosh, isn't this so exciting?!" She squealed.

"Speak for yourself," Zane mumbled and Garroth grunted a growl emerging from his stomach. Zane didn't push it. His brother was up first, he may have eaten.

"It is! Now come come Fat nugget! We have schedules to get!" Aph tugged Zane along with her and the other two just followed. Aph stopped when she noticed three boys standing at the entrance. "Garroth, go talk to them!"

"Uh- Why me?!" He screeched.

"Because your a teenage boy who has social skills!" She shoved him after letting go of Zane- no, he didn't fall on his face and embarrass himself. No, he froze up, and Aph drug him over, then made him trip and land on his face. "Gar, get up!"

The boy wiped himself of any dust and turned back to glare at her when a brunette in the group caught his eye, his cheeks burned a pink and he tripped as he stumbled to tell His siblings. "Uhm, Are you alright?" The other teen asked, he'd moved since that point and held a hand out for Garroth. Of course, our big cute gay, panicked. His face held a look of shock and embarrassment. "Hello..?"

"Ah! Sorry- I-I didn't me-mean to..?!" He quickly got up dusting himself off and trying to avoid all eye contact. The other just started laughing and Garroth's face only got darker. Oh how embarrassing, your crush laughing at you.

"Hi," The boy stuck his hand out again, smirking, "I'm Laurence."

"G-Garroth.." they shook hands and a small blush dusted ever so slightly over Laurence's face. Aphmau cheerily jumped in and her brother just looked around, Zane watching more so of disgust and Vylad of interest of the behavior patterns. Why did these people all have rainbows?!


"Dante! He was so fucking adorable." The brunette smiled, sighing dreamily as his hands hid his burning face. The bluenette wasn't paying too much attention all he knew was, lunch, they were sitting with them, and This was the only class aside from their free period that Laurence didn't have with his 'hunk of adorable'. Travis listened in awe, his heart melting as the other spoke.

"He sounds good for you, Laur." The white haired smiled. "I think y'all'd be a good couple."

"He used to come into the coffee shop with his mom," The lightly blue eyed male said, sketching in his chemistry notebook, "I saw on the news a week or so ago, his Mom died. She was murdered and they think it was his Dad."


"Mhm," Laurence smiled as he finished the curl of hair that he'd doodled on the paper, "he also works at Alahandros."

"Laurence how do you know that?"

Dante finally snapped out of it and looked at them, "yeah how do you?"


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