Chapter 3

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"Zane.." a voice spat, it sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't pry his eyes open, a bead of sweat fell down his face- a light shining over his eye. "Wake up.."

He ignored the voice, flipping on his side. If his anxiety was a person it would be crushing his body. "Zane, please..!" It cried and tugged on his body, "please-"


"Zane! Garroth he's waking up!" His good eye opened to a squint and Aphmau was tackle hugging him.

"Vylad's up too," The blonde stumbled in a tired look on his face, All of Zane's siblings were in his room. Garroth by the door, Aph on his bed as well as Vylad- who was curled up half asleep. Of course- this interaction was odd to the pale boy. Why were they here?

"Dad was in Aph's room, Baby Brother."

"What? Wh-" He yawned, "why?"

"I don't know," she whispered leaning on The other raven haired boy and closed her eyes, "I don't want him to do it again.."

He sighed and let her lean on him, he watched the clock the numbers glowing bright. "She came into me and Vylad's room," The blonde shut the door, hands trembling as he moved to the beanbag in the corner, "it's just getting worse- he's getting creepy! I just.."

"Garroth it's okay," He whispered, voice raspy- or... like someone drug a knife through it. "Don't worry about it."


"No. Now get over here and take them- I don't feel like being a good big brother," Zane hissed, Garroth merely nodded, chucking softly. He picked up the two (light) teenagers from the emo's bed and set them on the beanbag. Garroth sunk down on the floor, back to the wall. "Goodnight, Baby brother.."

No reply. He looked over his brother asleep, face tucked into his comforter. The blonde boy stared at his ceiling pained at his fathers behavior. Why was he being so creepy? Why would he go into his adoptive daughters room, and just... watch her sleep? It was so- uncharacteristic for him. He used to be, stern voiced and kind hearted but now he's just.. cold and obsessive. Oh god, was he a rapist? If he was, what was he going to go after her? He let his eyes wander around the room, his eyes landed on her. His younger sister. His only sister. He would do anything- anything, to protect her.

Anything to protect all of them,

And that's what he vowed to do.

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