Chapter 8

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"Hi there, I'm Aphmau, nice to meet you!" The short girl smiled and stuck her hand out to a tall blue haired girl who smirked gripping the girl's hand firmly.

"Welcome to Phoenix Drop High, Aphmau," Katelyn smirked, she had a leathers mans jacket in hand that said Volleyball, "I'm Katelyn."

"Hah! Nice to meet you, and thank you." She pulled out her schedule and handed it to Katelyn, who in turn, looked at it for a minute or two before highlighting in a bright blue all the classes they hand together.

Homeroom? Highlighted.
Gym? Highlighted.
English? Highlighted.
Algebra? Highlighted.

That was all the classes that they had together, out of 7, they had a lot together. Katlyn smiled and let Aph have her schedule who, in turn, took a purple highlighter and highlighted the classes they had together. "Hehe! Have a good next class, Ms. Katelyn."

"Never call me Miss!" The girl laughed walking to her next English class, Oh how boring this was going to be.

"Hey," Laurence poked Garroth's side and the blonde ignored him. Trying so, so so so, hard not to laugh as the English teacher explained the paper. "Garroth." Again, he ignored the brunettes attempts of his attention. He laughed internally at the teenager beside him's whining. He was that needy for attention. When the assignment was given Garroth turned to Laurence checks puffed out so cutely. "Oh fuck.."

"Mr. Zvahl!"

"Oh- Shoot- Sorry, Sir!"

"I'll let it pass once," The grouch in his leather chair muttered, "don't do it again."

"Oh~ Laurence got in tro~uble~!" The blonde teased in a hushed tone. "Do your work, Mr. jokes and gags."

Oh fuck gags sounded so wrong in the brunettes head, he stared down at his paper in an anxious notion. He could do it, the page was simple, feelings were not. He sighed and grabbed his mechanical pencil and started scribbling down words. He couldn't let the cuteness of this boy who he'd served at least 28 times, in the past four months, distract him.

Who was he fucking kidding he so would.

He makes the gay dar ping like crazy and his eyes are like an ocean, the way that he focused made him seem so adorable when he worked. How she stuck out his tongue to concentrate, and squinted his left eye, how when he didn't listen her bounced his knee a lot. Oh it was so fucking cute...!

He just wanted to kiss all over his adorable face.

"Maybe I will," Laurence muttered smirking with his face flushed pink. "Too cute."


Sorry I'm tired rn..

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