Chapter 19

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"Who's actually going to prom?" The group of gay human teenagers, remained silent at Laurence's older sisters question. "Okay, so are you all just.. staying home??"

"No no no," Travis smirked, nuzzling his face into the side of Zane's neck. "We're not staying home."

"I swear to the heavens, Travis, My baby brother comes home untouched or I will kill you." Laurence just gripped on to the blonde tight and they waited to hear the angry huff.

"I guess the rest of you are staying home then..?" Katelyn shrugged and let Aph continue to mess around and braid her hair. Garroth just nodded- though, he didn't know that. See now, Dante and Vylad had other plans.

Remember this? "instead of their homophobic prom."

Haha, very homophobic! Good to know that  glad is okay with-

Oh I'm gonna ruin the surprise!


"Tickets?" The male at the table didn't look happy to be there at all, in fact he looked pretty pissed. Dante smiled and handed over the two tickets.

"Ready, My darling?"

"Oh- So I'm your darling now?" The other questioned, a blush dusting over his face. They hadn't passed through the ticket line, and holy hell the guys face lifted from his previous bitchy one, into a smirk.

"Wow," The guy breathed out, "that... amazing! Kick their Homophobic asses please!"

Vylad just smiled and nodded taking Dante's hand and pulling him inside. The blue haired male had a goofy smirk on his face. The younger male, was dressed in a very suiting dress.

Cough- Dante loved it- cough!

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Cough- Dante loved it- cough!

"What do you say about The King of our prom?"

"I maybe able to settle for a present like you.." the younger tapped his chin in playfulness and it sent Dante's to the fucking moon.

"You wound me!" Dante fell back into the chair next to Vylad, face flushed pink and a small smile on his lips.

"You wish," he teased, and stood purposely swaying his hips as he turned away. "Now if you wanna get Prom king I'd get your ass up and dance with me."

"How about-" Dante pulled him out onto the floor as a slower song started to play, and wrapped an arm around his lower back (not his ass). "I do that?"

"Only do it if you want to win." His low pumps classed with the floor, a smile pinned to his face. Vylad just couldn't get it off, despite how close Mother's was. He was focused on now. His moments with this guy. The only person he'd ever liked.

.. the only person he'd ever liked..

What if he messes up? Ruins this for Dante? he wouldn't forgive himself-

"Hey, Vylad," Dante- without Vylad noticing- had pulled him close to his chest and a intertwined their hands, "Stay with me, Okay?"

Vylad merely nodded and listened to the quick and heavy ;) heartbeat in the other dude's chest. Oh this was gonna be a long night huh? It was only 10:30. Ten Fucking thirty. God fucking Damnit.


"And the votes have been casted," Mr. Sanders was up on the 'stage' a smile on his face, he knew. "Our Prom King- Dante Hearts."

"And our prom queen..?"

"His lovely young lady!" Ms. Smith smiled, announcing in a happy voice, motioning for the both of them to go up. Vylad couldn't help but smile. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," Vylad whispered, and snickered seeing the confused face on the lady who'd just put his crown on him. "Come on, Babe."

"Ri-Right away," Oh how amused the teenagers and Mr. Sanders were, "did she seriously..?"

Right as they his the door to the exit, Vylad turned around a confident smile on his face. "Rude of you to assume I was a girl! Boys wear dresses, too!"

Dante drug him out of the building and awaited for his confident high to fade- that was going to be a bit.

"I like you, Dante."

"Oh? You do?"

"Mhm," He hummed and laid his head on the Blue Boys shoulder, "I know you like me, too."

Dante smirked and ran a hand through his hair, "whats made you so sure?"

"I've seen how you act," He tugged off his black shoes. They were going back to Aph after this- how does she even wear them, his feet hurt so much. "It's like what Travis and Laurence did around my brothers."


"You're so gay!" They started laughing and Vylad moved to look into Dante's eyes. They just sat there for a minute, till Dante started leaning in.


"Damnit Garroth!"

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