Chapter 10

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"Come on!" Vylad whined, "I want Caffee!"

"It's coffee, Vylad." I hissed, I tugged on the black cloth around mouth pulling it up slightly. "Not Caffee."

"Whatever, Zane," The shorter boy pushed past Aph and Garroth as we neared the Small shop. When the glass door swung open, a wave of Sweet smells hit us,  as if it were an ocean wave, "Hi, Laurence!"

"Hey, Little Ro'Meave," he smirked as Vylad approach. "Do you want the usual?" The energetic teenager just nodded, rushing to our normal table, giggling like a madman. "You guys too?"

Garroth wiped his face and shook his head, "no decaf, straight black, too." The dumbass behind the counter gave a confused look that was slightly concerned, too, but jut nodded. Garroth groaned and leaned on the back of the booth as we sat down.

"Hey, Dude, you look like shit, are you okay?" He looked up at me with a blank ass stare and shook his head before putting his head in his arms. "How much did you sleep?" He held up two pale fingers, and I sighed. "Do you need a white noise thingy?"

He groaned in annoyance, "No, it's just stressing me out.."

"What-" I poke him but he's sleeping- this fucking bastard is making me look like I have good mental health.

"He okay..?" Aph motioned to Garroth, her tone a whisper. I nodded, inhaling sharply. But honestly, it did. It makes him look worse than me. After minutes, the weird ass that he hangs out with came out, a Blue haired chick following. He was carrying the tray of drinks and she was holding a slice of pie. "Ooo! Is that for me?" The girl nodded and handed her the pie, saying 'it's on the house'.

I leaned back  and sighed, this is dumb. They get their shirt and I get-

A hot chocolate.

It's actually pretty okay, I like hot chocolate. Sue me, I can like it.


"Hey, You," I pointed towards the brunette, "Can you do me a favor?"

The Jackass turned, gave a confused look and pointed at himself, I nodded. He walked over, broom in hand- we didn't move, Vylad took Aph to the candy machines, and Garroth was dead asleep. "Can you take him to your house? Or at least bring him home when you guys close?"

"I mean, I don't see why not."

"Okay, Well," I grabbed the house keys from Garroth's pocket, and nodded along for Vylad and Aph. "We'll be on our way. Have fun with that one."

"Hah, I will."


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