Chapter 14

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"Go on a date with me, he said," Garroth mimicked, he glared at the mirror his bangs pinned back, "it'll be fun, he said."

He wasn't ready, he was nervous- anxious?- and he liked this boy... What if he screwed this up? Ruined their chance and Laurence ends up hating him. What if Laurence was humoring him? What if he was actually straight and making fun of him being gay and having a psycho father? Who killed his Mom? 

"Garroth! He's he~re!" Aph said in sing-songy voice. He just stared at himself, letting her words sink in. He pulled his curls down and left the room, he sat on the middle of the steps, listening to his younger brothers.

"If you hurt him," Zane hissed, he shoved the Light brunette back onto the couch, "We'll kill you." The boy just nodded, letting his date's brothers rant and threaten him with murder. When Garroth thought he got the message he slid down the rest of the stairs and popped into the living-kitchen.

Laurence's face went pink when he stepped in, he swore they all could hear his heartbeat when the boy stepped into his view. "Wow- you look- wow-"

"Damn, got him speechless." Travis smirked. Oh yeah, forgot to mention he was here, too? "That's rare."


Garroth sighed, and shooed his family from his date, "Come on." Laurence nodded, his face still pink at the sight of the boy in those clothes. They stepped out the door and into the light Rain, Laurence smiled as Garroth spun around, smiling a bit. Oh god that smile did things to him, huh?

"God, you're cute."

"Wh-What?" He mumbled, as he stopped spinning. Laurence shut his mouth, mind racing trying to find something to replace the sentence he'd said. As his face glew red, Garroth moved closer. Oh how glad he would have been- and he was. He heard the Zip of the sleeping dart whip past him, "Laurence!"

"..what?.." he whispered, his face getting pink.

"Laurence-" he moved forwards hearing the footsteps near, "Inside, go, now, please!"

"What- Why?"

"Go, Damnit!" The blonde shoved as the snaps of leaves and twigs got louder. "Go! Hurry up."

They slammed into the house, Laurence hella confused and Garroth Panicking. "Zane turn on the Tv."

"Uh okay.." Lucky for them, the TV was on the news, and just the report they needed to see was on.

"The well known and Successful business man, Garte Ro'Meave, has been set free," Jessica, their local news reported read, "All charges have been dropped and he was set free earlier this afternoon."

The room was silent. "Damnit." The eldest cursed, wiping his eyes quickly. "Damnit- fucking Damnit."

"Garroth it's okay-"

"He fucking shot at us, and that's okay?!" He yelled, "It's okay, that he's gonna kill us, and probably you two, because he saw us?"

"Garroth that's not-"

"He's here, and it was my job to protect-"

Vylad stood up, "No one here has a job to protect someone else- We are all humans, and we all have capabilities! You don't need to put so much damn pressure on yourself! Goddamnit, Garroth, we all know that your shifts are over eight hours, and you take more. So that we-" he motioned to the other Ro'Meave kids, "-can have something nice!"


"SHUT THE FUCK UP, GARROTH," he hissed again, "We've all talked about this."

Laurence was backed away quietly till he heard a soft knock on the door- he stepped right fucking back towards the couch, "Uh, guys."

"What?" The Ro'Meave teens hissed, aside from Garroth.

He leaned in closer to their small group and Travis ( he was awkwardly standing Between Zane and Aph), "if you do wish to, I have some room at my house you can all stay in. If you let me." (His voice was a soft whisper.)

They nodded the (living in the house) teens scrabbles to gather their things. After they re-grouped, they left the house- apartment thingy?

"You all better be glad I can drive," The white haired male spoke. Yeah, if I could mention, Garroth and Laurence were going to do their shit on a bike- like really, a bike because Laurence's family car, was a mini van. "Or else what would you do?"

"Not the time, Travis," Zane hissed. And Travis quickly apologized, "Are you sure we should stay with you, Asshat?"

"I mean, if you're not comfortable, cyclops, you can stay with Travis."

"And it will be lovely staying with you."

Travis sighed. Damn this guy was gonna be tough.

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