Chapter 4

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"You know, it wouldn't hurt to at least put on a little make up," Cathy cackled as she shoved the shortest Ro'Meave against the locker passing by rather quickly when she noticed the approaching siblings. "Hgh, later, dumb bitch."

"Did she hurt you, Aph?"

She swallowed hard and shook her head, "no-nope. I'm fine."

"We watched her do it," Vylad pointed at Cathy while she leaned on a set of lockers, "you really can't lie."

"Oh shush," She smirked, pushing her brothers, "I'm going to class."

"Fine, be that way we were just trying to help." Zane hissed, smirking under his mask. The boys walked the opposite way of their adopted sister and headed to their own classes. As much as you believe they would all fit in... they didn't. Their parents house was normal to middle class people, and people didn't like that.

They were strange, all together- no other friends. It creeped them out.


"Okay- Who's got their key? Cause, Mom isn't.." Garroth's voice trailed off as he looked through the window into the center of the house. His eyes widen and his breath hitched.

"Gar, What's-" Vylad stopped when he looked in, he took in a breath, shut his eyes, and pulled out his phone. He clicked emergency call and dialed the police. "Hello? My-My moms injured. I think. I-I don't know- we- aren't even inside- me and my siblings j-just got home and-"

"Sir, calm down, where are you located?"

"/I refuse to say their address/." He stuttered out, tears rushing down his face and he looked to his right, Zane and Aphmau stared at him, they seemed distraught. Her staring at the grass a few tears falling down her face, dangling from her chin- Zane leaned against the wall, mask pulled down and his eyes were closed. Was he okay?

"Don't worry, Sir, The police and an ambulance are on their way." He sighed and wiped his face, muttering a quick thank you and hanging up. The force was fast, right? They'd do something! Zianna wasn't dead...right?

His brothers body fell, knees on the grass and his face in his hands his breath quick, as he muttered words, "it's my fault. All my fault, she's dying, she's hurt, I'm so stupid..!" Vylad kneeled down, hand out on his brothers shoulder.

"Gar-Garroth, it's gonna be okay. She's going to be fine!" He said, just loud enough for his sister and brothers to hear before the police arrived.


The door came crashing down, off its hinges. The paramedics rushing in the teenagers being held back by the police. Their eyes never left the doorway, two police maintained with them as others followed the paramedics in and searched the house. "Sorry, kids, but we need you to stay out here, ya know, for questions and alibis."

Garroth just nodded and gripped his brothers shoulders.

They did not expect to see their dad being hauled out by the police.

"I'm innocent I tell you! Why would I kill my own wife?! I loved her!" He screamed. Oh how screwed he was. He'd used pasted tense, the perimedics said she was freshly killed. As the detective arrived, their father was taken into custody and the kids were left in the back of the police car to sit. "You have no proof I killed her! No proof I say! I didn't do it!"

The more he screamed the less he knew.

After a half an hour, the detective came back out, having Garroth step out of the back of the car. Lucky for the other three, the window was open. "Son, How old are you?"

"Eight-Eighteen, Sir."

"You understand," The man pushed up his glasses and pulled off his hat, "your going to have to find a home and a way to provide for your family while we do this crime scene stuff."


"This ain't no movie, Son." The elder sternly sighed. "You best figure it out, I have my sympathy for you, I do. But we can't do anything." Garroth nodded and gripped the stitch in his pant leg and straightened his posture. "I recommend you bump down to a public school. There's one near a good apartment building I know, about a mile or two from here."

"Any money in your pocket is what you have. I'm sure you can get in, the lady is a real nice one," He patted the Older boy's shoulder and sighed, "my condolences. I've gotta get back to work, if you need help switching the schools around I've got someone who could surely do that."

"Thah-Thank you, S-Sir," Garroth bit at his lip harshly, "can.. we get a ride to the place?"

"Course, Kid," The Man said. He turned to his left and shouted: "Keith, Come on, these Kids need a ride to Louise's Apartment building!"

An officer came out of the house, handing the directive a plastic baggie. "Jump in the car kid, I'm taking ya'."


Yeah, I know this isn't how they naturally go, it's just for the story.

848 words

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