Chapter 9

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His diamond eyes watched the characters on the television dance across it, carefree, happily. Jealousy spun in his mind and chest as he stared. They were so much better. Their moms hadn't died to the hands of their cold blooded father. They were allowed to be happy- if the Ro'Meave's acted happy, they would be called sick. Disgusting. Heartless freaks. But if they were too sad, they would be hated. That scared Garroth, being called mentally ill for faking happiness..

TØP played in the background of his headphone, the thoughts coming to the eldest as if they were natural. But he didn't want to think of this- he didn't want to think of her screaming, he saw the wounds in her stomach. He saw the blood.

"Shut up." He muttered smacking his own forehead, "you're being stupid."

He moved to the back of the couch, moving his knees to his chest and put his hands on the remote. He muted the show, and just listened to the pure silence. His stomach growled and he ignored it, pulling on his hoodie strings. "You're always being stupid, so don't feel special."

"I shouldn't feel special- I'm still just a dumb blonde, right?"


"Hey, Garroth!" He wiped around. They'd been at this school for three days. Laurence seemed pretty damn attached to this boy, Huh? "Garroth? Are you okay?"

"Mhm," The blonde nodded using his phone camera to check his make up, the truth was he looked exhausted- he was exhausted. "These Travis and Dante?"

Laurence nodded and stepped to the side, letting the boys introduce himself. "I'm Travis- and this adorable Jackass is Dante, he's preoccupied with his girlfriend- Nicole."

"Oh," Garroth chuckled, smiling at the boys. "That bad or not?"

"Depends if you like straight or people who don't know they're gay, people." The WHITE (that auto-ed to whore not white) haired child laughed, motioning to Dante. "He's gay, in some way, he just doesn't know it."

"I get that," The blonde laughed, sighing as he watched his Youngest brother playfully shove his sister and Zane watch them. "My youngest brother Vylad doesn't really like anyone. He thinks he's Demisexual but doesn't wanna Label himself." Travis nodded.

"Well, I'm Trans and omnisexual." Garroth looked the other up and down before smiling.

"I didn't even realize," he mumbled in surprise, he could normally spot someone, being gay gave him an excellent gay-dar. Or so he thought. "What's... Omni.?"

"Someone who loves people despite Gender, Just acknowledge it and move on! It's kinda like pan, but different."

Laurence's eyes met Travis's and the Forest eyed boy recognized the glare. 'Back off he's mine.' He'd never been one to like the blondes anyways, he had the opposite taste actually. "Say! How about we go to homeroom- Huh Gar?"

The blondie froze his face flushing pink and nodding, "sh-sure!"

While they were walking away, Travis leaned to Laurence's ear, "possessive boy, aren't we?" He hushed Travis and they left without another word.


Aphmau leaned to Garroth slightly, trying not to be obvious, she frowned at his full lunch tray, "Garroth, are you gonna eat?"

"I can't," he pointed to the peanut butter on the sandwich. "Allergic."

"Oh! Sorry," she backed away, "didn't mean to- I didn't know- I'm sorry."

"It's fine Aph," He patted her head, "so, do you wanna tell Me about Ms. Tall, Pale, and Blue?"

"What?! Wh-Who?!"

569 words

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