Chapter 2

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"Zianna. Hush. I did no such thing," Garte hissed at his wife, Eyes Narrowed. He was blandly aware of his kids presence in the stairwell, he just didn't care. It pissed his eldest son off.

The first time he comes down the damn stairs, he's yelling at the sweetest woman on earth. It pissed off Their kids.

"I know you did, Garte," she pushed her hand to his chest, her other on her stomach, "I know you did. And I'll prove it."

"I didn't, Honey." The man yelled, "you can't prove anything!"

As the week carried on, Garte was downstairs more and more, at one point after football practice, Garroth was greated by the man on the couch, reading a newspaper. Every morning, he was there. Every night, he was there.

It scared them.

He wanted nothing to do with them at first, at least- when Aphmau moved in..

Fuck what was the fight about?

"Mom?" Vylad questioned as the five walked down the street. "What.. happened between you and Dad?"

"It's simple, Pea," she smiled, she put her arm around the boy, "He killed someone and I'm gonna prove it!"

The kids laughed at the joke and stared at their mom when she didn't.

What the fuck was wrong?


Zianna stared at the kids, each eating their own sweets and drinking coffee or hot chocolates. She stared at the glass of water in front of her a bead of sweat running down her face. She knew he did it, killed Sylvana. There was no way She would just leave her daughter like that. Aphmau was only ten, she wouldn't. Besides, Sylvana loved her daughter dearly.

There was no proof. No body. No weapons. Just an empty house, that was going to be destroyed.

"Mom?" She looked up, startled by her youngest son's question. "Are you okay? You look sick."

"Maybe a little," she giggled, her left eye squeezing shut as she moved her hand to the skin below it, resting her face on it, "don't worry I'll take some medicine when we get home."

"Okay.." He smiled, shaking off his moms behavior at her words. They seemed sincere so, he trusted them. Oh how he was going to regret that. Their mother seemed off lately, as previously said, she seemed angry, tired, a bit of everything. Mostly sick, though. She gripped the cup a smile on her face as Garroth's face glew red, she was going to miss these moments. The ones where her kids teased one another over their crushes, ate together, anything really. She loved her kids. Oh so much, she did.

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